Cook in Ravits | World Anvil
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Chefs and cooks of all kinds. Well known for creating delicious dishes that energize and buff ravits. They are also known as clever combatants ustalizing kitchen implements A cook’s main stat is Knowledge   Cooks start with a 6 in defence   Cooks start with +3 in the following skills: Cooking, improvised weaponry, Knowledge: edible plants   Starting abilities    Meal time - you may cook a tasty meal for your friends using natural ingredients you have collected. To do so roll 1d12 + cooking the gm also rolls 1d12 if you roll higher than the gm your food is not also delicious but it gains 1 buffing effect (determined by your ingredients and the gm) if you get double the gms score the food has two buffs on it. Makes 1 meal for every member of the group. Usable 3 times a day   Fast eater - able to eat foods in the heat of battle. Eating food takes two actions. - passive   Learned abilities    Poisner by another name - Once a day you may make a poison with herbs and ingredients you have. (the end effect decided by the gm and your ingredients). Roll your cooking skill (or poison making skill) against a TN of 8. If you are successful you make 1d6 doses of poison. - useable once a day | Cooking 9 or poison making 3 costs 10 merit tokens   Potency - all foods and chemical concoctions you make ether last twice as long or have double the effect (at the discretion of the GM) - passive | 8 merit tokens   Flour Power - Throw flour at your opponent blinding them and giving them a - 4 to all rolls on their next turn - useable 3 times a day | 5 merit tokens   BAM - all blunt improvised weapons do one extra die of damage - useable 3 times a day | 7 merit tokens   Frying pan profishency - if wielding a frying pan it does +3 damage - passive | 5 merit tokens

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