Great Rift Geographic Location in Ravenai | World Anvil
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Great Rift

A 4,000-mile long rift that bisects Dosayla. The rift is located in a deep canyon system and is the site of two spreading tectonic plates. While not impossible, it is very difficult and dangerous to trek down to the canyon floors. Locals rarely go within 10 miles of the rift, and never scale down into its depths. They tell haunting stories of strange creatures and phenomena that take place in the unnatural inky darkness. They say that there is no reason that the sun could not reach the canyon floor, at least for a few hours a day, but it never does. Locals describe a black haze, like a fog, that prevents the light from shining down. There have only been a few brief excursions into the Great Rift. One expedition found traces of what they believe could be an unusually powerful Wellspring. Their evidence is sparse, though, as the team spent only a few days in the rift. Most expeditions only last two or three days at most. One team, headed by naturalists and geologists from the Skabana ten Firo, was meant to set a record for a scientific voyage: two weeks. The team maintained contact with a base camp near the cliffs for only two days before mysteriously vanishing. Subsequent rescue missions have turned up no trace of the 15 scientists, mages, and guides, and no further attempts have been made in the last 75 years.   Known by the local population as "Wasadi Masil", which means "Home of Wasadi". Wasadi is a local mythical, cunning, evil creature that uses various means to lure people to their deaths.


Incredibly dry with little to no wind. Very little topsoil overlying granite and sandstone, all a characteristic bright red due to high iron content. The Rift itself is a network of canyons and gorges, riddled with plateau "islands".

Fauna & Flora

Small, hardy scrubs and grasses. Few mammals, though abundant in reptiles and flightless birds. Closer to the Rift's epicenter one may find all manner of Fey creatures.
Alternative Name(s)
Wasadi Masil
Gorge / Rift
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Author's Notes

Inspired by arid and mountainous regions of Namibia, Chile, Ethiopia, and Turkmenistan
"Regional" name Wasadi Masil was inspired in part by the Somali word for "canyon" (waadi) and the Arabic word for "house" (منزل "manzil")

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