Derebesmat Geographic Location in Ravenai | World Anvil
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The great forest in which the large and powerful Wellspring Seschnyk is located. The trees here, mostly pines, cedars, and other coniferous varieties, are hundreds of years old; those closest to the Wellspring may be thousands. Partly due to their age and partly due to the magic of the Wellspring, these trees can grow to be absolutely massive: even a "small" specimen has a trunk diameter of ten feet or more and can be as tall as 200 feet. While they seem far apart from the ground, the branches grow close together, forming a dense canopy through which little sun shines. The ground is covered in a thick layer of needles and loam, and a perpetual mist occurs year-round.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
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Author's Notes

Inspired by the words "derevo" meaning "wood" in Russian (дерево) and "blestemat", meaning "cursed" in Romanian.

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