Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation Condition in Ravaryn (W.I.P) | World Anvil
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Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation (E.M.A.M)

Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation, also known as E.M.A.M, is the term used for any surviving victim of mana amplification experiments. Any of the following factors are classified under this term.   -Physical Mutation through use of Mana. -Any permanent and forced amplification of an individuals Mana Organ. -Any mutation via extra appended Mana Organs (Multiple Organs) -Any other permanent Amplification of a individuals Mana Control Abilities.


Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation is usually caused by the individual being victim in an experiment where the goal is to try to amplify or combine Mana Organs with that of the victims. However this condition is rare as many victims die during these illegal experiments or the individual needs to be eradicated for the safety of a population.


Symptoms of Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation are: -Permanent Physical Mutation -Permanent Amplification of the individuals Mana flow, Mana store or Mana Organ. -Permanent Scaring -Enraged state -Trauma


Research into treatment for Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation are in progress, however currently the best treatment available is currently courses to learn to control their Amplified Mana Mutation. Then furthermore, learning to cope with any trauma from the cause.


Sadly, most people who experience Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation die in the process. Those who do survive may enter an enraged state, causing military to have to dispose of them to protect a population. However if a rage state is not induced then the Victim has a chance of returning to their old life.


Any and All experiments that result in Extreme Mana Amplification Mutation are highly illegal under The Central Government and most other Governments. Wizards who partake in experiments like these are wanted criminals and are being hunted. The Central Government wishes to stop these crude experiments for good.
Characters affected by E.M.A.M
  • Phaethon
  • Type
    Extremely Rare

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