Cursing in the Daedlands Prose in Raul - The Daedlands | World Anvil
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Cursing in the Daedlands

Ky is the god of chaos and corruption on Raul, and thought to be the cause of the blighted plagues and the Daedlands. His religious tomes promise women and power to those who serve him, so a common curse is this:
  • You Kyist Whore!
Ara-Tsat Elves come under a lot of ridicule for the damage the Great Elven Empire did to all races within it's borders. During the last days of the empire, it was common for the Dwarves of the northern region to sit invading soldiers fleeing from the desecration of their homelands on spikes, letting gravity impale them in a gruesome fashion. To this end, a way of blowing someone off in Dwarven Lands is to tell them this:
  • Put a pole up yer arse and clench like a Tsat!
General dismissive lines tend to compare someone to a shyster:
  • Go flog your sand somewhere else!(for lying)
  • Take your taint back to Ky!(general disagreement)
  • Larder-dweller(dismissive to dwarves)
  • Child(Usually elf to human, but can also be human to dwarf)
  • Rot take you!(general curse)
  • May you be hunted!(invoking a curse of Gthanka, lord of the hunt)
  • Your ancestors move. (Curse insults the target by insisting that thier deceased family have been raised by the daedlands. Burial and laying to rest is a highly ritualized and important ceremony for all races of the daedlands, and insisting that those protections have failed insults the persons responsibilities to their ancestors.)
  • Tsatling!(Lazy, Pampered or spoiled)
  • I hope it takes you up the arse and has a barbed tip!(Dwarves - curse, basically fuck you)
  • May you sit on your sword and pray.(Saat Elves - more or less calls the person a hypocrite)
  • All you see is sand!(Saat Elves - person is being stubborn or willful against proof)
  • You would cut down the only tree.(Saat Elves - Dismissive for lying or calling someone untrustworthy)
  • You hold three stones but I see none.(Saat Elves - dismissive for being boastful).
  • You crumble. (Saat Elves - Fuck off)


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