High Mage Silas Quainn Character in Raneia | World Anvil
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High Mage Silas Quainn

Silas Quainn was Good King Whalen’s principal archmage abjurer. He administrates the Royal College of Sorcery and stands at the head of the The Circle of Five, each member a Grand Magus in their own right. Quainn observes the goings on of the Empire from his tower, Omniavero, and it is here that he forms his plans.   Silas Quainn has been the High Mage of the Surane Empire for roughly 50 years. He served King Urien I, Good King Whalen, and now King Mindas Howle the Usurper. In that time, he has seen the state of the world as he has scryed the land. He desires to bring order to the chaos he sees, but he needs time. And if he could eliminate those causing the chaos while fueling his own schemes for immortality... For the sake of the world, there must be sacrifices.   Quainn believes that only he can observe the state of chaos that the world is collapsing into and that only his guiding hand can bring it back into harmony. Others who disagree with his philosophies or his methods are inferior and not worthy of his attention. He sees many of his “peers” as useful tools to be used and eventually discarded.
Year of Birth
1112 125 Years old
Aligned Organization
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