Brooklynd Province, the Riverlands Organization in Raneia | World Anvil
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Brooklynd Province, the Riverlands

The wild and mostly untamed province of the Riverlands sits nestled in the valleys between Grâldhirnhorth, the Ashebreak Mountain Range, and Thelkarazgar and is ruled by the Marquis Lord Shagad Glovelyn the Warglord.


Timbers, wild game, troops, mostly troops. The blood of Gruumsh, the One-Eyed runs strong through the people there, making them potent warriors. Tribes of orcs still roam through the Empire, often unchecked, unchallenged, killing at will. Soldiers from the Brooklynds are often tasked with hunting down and destroying them.


For centuries, orcs ranged all across what is now the Empire. As the Empire expanded, the various warring tribes were pushed back into the Brooklynd. They began to conquer the region, many splintered tribes. The Many warred against the Few, and when the Few remained, they banded together as one tribe, one war band. They would treat with the Empire and the Kingholds, but no other sovereign nation would recognize them with respect until Good King Whalen. King Whalen treated with the Warglord as one king to another, asking the Warglord to join the Empire. The Empire would provide what is now the Northroad, grain, wheat, and barley from the Broudor Province, the Golden Plain, steel from the Iron Hills, as well as a wife and a seat at Court among the House of High Lords. Shagad accepted these terms, and fiercely remembers Good King Whalen and only begrudgingly accepts the Usurper on the Throne.

Demography and Population

  • Dominant: Half-orcs
  • Minorities: Humans, half-elves
  • Enclaves: Dwarves, elves, goliaths
  • Groups: halflings, gnomes, dragonborn
  • Individuals: Tieflings, tritons
  • Singular:


While the Gods of the Empire still hold the official sway over the Brooklynd, many there still worship the orc god Gruumsh, the One-Eyed in secret. This is known to the Orders of the Church and the Crown’s Inquisitors, but they don’t do anything about it, in part because the Empire is already fighting a three front war with the aid of the Brooklynders; to turn on them would be foolhardy in the extreme. The Inner Court have not seen fit to tell the King of this deviance from the Crown.

Trade & Transport

The Northroad leads from Wargrenhall to into the Empire. This facilitates trade with Broudor Province. It also allows the Brooklynders to move troops into the Empire along the roads to the front lines.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization

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