Kosuke Kobayashi Character in Randera | World Anvil
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Kosuke Kobayashi

Artisan Kosuke Kobayashi (a.k.a. The Fennec Mechanic)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kosuke lacks in strength, but is quite toned underneath his clothing. He is also surprisingly hardy and can withstand much punishment, contrary to how he looks.

Identifying Characteristics

His massive Fennec ears are the most identifiable part of him, his fur a tan color. Another identifying feature of Kosuke is his large, bushy tail.

Special abilities

Although his tails aren't nearly as magical as the Feywild kitsune, Kosuke has the ability to shapeshift into a tiny Fennec Fox with what little innate power he has.

Apparel & Accessories

At work, he usually wears his regular getup: a light tunic, brown trousers, black boots, a black leather apron, and heavy duty work gloves. In a more perilous environment, though, he wears an armored exosuit with its own omni-directional jet pack.

Mental characteristics


Kosuke, after having been abandoned by his first love interest, hides any sort of romantic or sexual attraction he feels. He responds to flirtation with fear or hostility, depending on the circumstances. Despite this, he does have a taste for other kemonomimi, not just kitsune.


Immediately passing through the public education system, Kosuke relied more on advanced books imported from other regions of Randera to continue his education. This had the unfortunate side effect of leaving his social skills severely undeveloped.


Kosuke is a freelance engineer, machinist, and occasionally a doctor. Most of his coin (or monies, as he calls it) stems from commissions that his adventuring friends request from him.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kosuke is directly responsible for extending the blessing of Shizune Hikari to his people, thanks to the covenant he made with her. Despite this, he keeps said covenant a secret out of humility.

Mental Trauma

In his early childhood, he was abandoned by a girl he had a crush on. Because of this, he recessed from social interaction for a few years. Now he has difficulty making friends, and sometimes fails to acknowledge the bonds he forms with other people.

Intellectual Characteristics

Having had an extraordinarily high intelligence since he was a kit, Kosuke was learning about electromagnetic radiation in the same time frame others would be learning basic addition.

Morality & Philosophy

As a firm believer in the non-aggression principle, Kosuke believes that initiating or threatening any forceful interference with either an individual or their property is inherently wrong. Conversely, he highly respects those who respect his boundaries.

Personality Characteristics


Kosuke considers himself a "solver of problems", one of which is the Crystalline Graveyard that corrupts Randera. He seeks to become a world-renowned clockwork engineer and a wealthy adventurer.

Likes & Dislikes

Kosuke likes to apply his vast array of knowledge to solve problems which need fixing. He despises being unable to solve a situation by himself, and as a result, struggles asking others for their help.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is very dedicated to the work he does, always looking to improve his designs and impress the marketplace with quality work. He also displays great courage in combat, and is a loyal companion to those he truly trusts.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kosuke is a workaholic by nature and has trouble practicing moderation. He rarely spends any recreational time with his friends, as much as he may treasure them. He also has harbors much pride and will hold onto grudges if someone does not apologize to him.

Personality Quirks

He tends to speak softly in sentences of five words or less, as a result of his shyness and reluctance to bond with others. No matter the situation, Kosuke will always call gold "monies".


Although his work as a mechanist riddles him with a metallic scent and grease stains, Kosuke always makes sure to shower or bathe by the end of the day, and keep his tail well-groomed.


Contacts & Relations

Varis Ramaio - Highly respected customer and ally. Filea Dawnseeker - Distant, but on good terms. Eligius Yami - Ambivalent, formerly rocky relations. Radegast Azraire - Distant, but on good terms. Gothmog Stonefist - Friends forged by fire. Julian Adderley - Welcomed customer and ally. Solomon Gynsin - Respects as a fellow intellectual. Zahira Rajiya - Distant, but on good terms.

Religious Views

Although he doesn't particularly lend himself to any religions, he is predisposed to the faith of Shizune Hikari, the mother of all Kitsune thanks to the covenant he made with her to bless his Foxhole kin. The only rift between them stems from his special hatred for pranks.

Social Aptitude

Kosuke is terribly awkward when it comes to small talk, where he would rather keep his mouth shut. If someone manages to bring a common interest to light, though, he exits his shell as someone who can hold an intellectual conversation. Just don't expect him to say more than five words per sentence.


Kosuke wears a perpetual frown on his face, giving him a constantly serious and focused expression. He hardly ever smiles. When he does, though, he's either amused or deeply touched. In any case, it's absolutely adorable.

Hobbies & Pets

Besides his obsession for solving problems, whether practical or mathematical, Kosuke has an affinity for the culinary arts. He can whip up some delicious ramen, stir fry noodles, and takoyaki.

Wealth & Financial state

As one of the most talented engineers of Randera, Kosuke has amassed quite the fortune, in the form of high-tech equipment such as his armored exosuit, his headband of enhanced cognition, and his belt of agile maneuvers.

Kosuke doesn't say much, but he's really clever. He can make clockwork arms and armour, experimental gadgets, and even has his own artificial familiar, S.C.O.U.T!

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Young Adult
The Foxhole
Current Residence
Desert Rose
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
80 lb.

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The Mechanist's Log: Mountain Home & The Invasion

After defeating the Snakeroot's Bite, our next step to find the monastic faction Cu's Fist. I went with Gothmog and Radegast. The caravaneer was kind enough to grant us a ride, and we were given the opportunity to see more of Randera's sights and anomalies. Our travels took us to a small town, and during our visit, we found a man by the name of Doctor Fimbleton. He was a human man with white hair, thick eyebrows, and a moustache. We elected to help him explore a Dwarven ruin, which had its fair share of traps. The stonework had astoundingly detailed carving, although it was not as derelict as we thought.   Finding a puzzle of sorts, we experimented with different combinations of phrases thanks to Radegast's knowledge of Dwarven language. We eventually solved the puzzle and opened the gate, only to find a massive underground dwelling of Dwarves singing in unison to what I assume to be their national anthem. There were also very small minorities of other races such as gnomes. They were confused by our entry from the outside, and by wearing pants, we had already broken one of their cultural normalities: men were supposed to wear kilts. I can't believe I was emasculated just like that, it boils my blood.   I hid in fox shape for the meantime, and eventually, the rest of us had reached Mountain Home (as the Dwarves call it). I found my first friend Varis walking the streets, so I caught his attention. Despite my inability to speak, he picked up on my need for culturally appropriate clothing and acquired a kilt for me to wear. I was able to traverse the underground city more comfortably, although I never quite fit in.   To curry the favor of the Mountain Home dwarves, we lent our strength to defend against the Drow who apparently threatened their land. I assisted in the creation of a grand spider tank, which fired explosive force projectiles from an emitter. Although it did its job for the most part, at one point it short circuited, and was on the verge of total malfunction. Amidst the battle while Gothmog and Zahira were making quick work of their adversaries, I diagnosed the problem and swiftly fixed it. If it had exploded, it would have tarnished my name and my reputation.   If I want to be a proper hero, then I have to be reliable to my allies. I shall not falter in the face of adversity.

The Mechanist's Log: Kobir & The Snakeroot's Bite

It was a grueling journey we took to the town of Kobir. Our party got divided by a sandstorm on our way. It seems my half of the party made it there first. It was a miserable town which Radegast, Gothmog, and I came across. The conditions were squalid, due to the Snakeroot's Bite. Thankfully, my inoculations protected us from the poisons. The food tasted terrible, though. We met up with the mayor of the town, who was in dire shape when we initially met. My panacea got him to a healthy condition, although he was still malnourished. We discussed where the Snakeroot's Bite cultists met to extort monies from the town, and decided to set up an ambush.   On the day of confrontation, Gothmog presented himself, holding a mock envelope of imitation monies. Radegast and I snuck towards advantageous positions, and we commenced attack. I activated a shock field module and ran into the middle of the crowd. They received a shocking white Radegast pelted them with salt ammunition, and Gothmog brought a quick end to a few of them. The leader then let loose an acidic demon, to our surprise. It killed more cultists, and injured Radegast, and Gothmog even more. I wasn't in a position to heal him, so I kept fighting. We took it down, and then stabilised him. He was afflicted with a crystal tooth which sapped his vitality. We also captured the leader of that extortion group, which Radegast interrogated once we went back to town. There was also a food cart which had the best food we had during the entire trip, and the rest of the party made their way to Kobir by the time we came back.   During the interrogations, we had a few days of downtime before our second attack. I spent it treating the diseased, to help the town recover logistically. Radegast also commissioned a scope of true sight, and paid above my price from appraisal. He told me to keep the change. I really appreciated it. Using what I had, I completed the scope in a timely manner and gave it to him once he was done with the interrogation. Knowing the whereabouts of the Snakeroot's Bite, Varis, Gothmog, Julian, and I would end them once and for all while the rest recovered stolen supplies. The town was in better shape by the time we left, but it was not perfect.   On our way to the Snakeroot's Bite hideout, we encountered a few women with dark skin and red hair. They claimed to be on patrol, and were a neutral party, so we elected to leave them alone. Just like most people, they called me a child. I was disguised as a human, so I can't blame them. It's still infuriating that I have to live with these vertically challenged genetics. Is anyone even into that?   When we finally arrived in the hideout, we took our inoculations once more and found there was only one way in -- and out. This ultimately led to the massacre of the Snakeroot's Bite. Gothmog butchered many foes, Jormungandr constricted them, and Fenrir ate a few alive. I induced a lethal shock to my opponents, and Varis used his kukris to fight as per usual. The leaders were a trio who were much more powerful, but our numbers overwhelmed them. They incapacitated Varis, and I was in severe panic. I couldn't let my first friend die, and the others were busy fighting, so I injected a couple healing solutions into him. It stabilised him, and we were thankfully able to leave the scene with no casualties of our own, although some of us suffered severe injuries. Now we have enough antidotes to get the town back in working order.   I can't wait to get back to Desert Rose. I miss being clean, and I miss having a suitable place to work. The life of a problem solver is exhausting.

The Mechanist's Log: Desert Rose

I lost my old journal, and my old schematics book. Aka Manto reduced them to ashes. I spent a long time in the palace of Shizune Hikari palace restoring the schematics. Aela and Seele finally have separate bodies thanks to her restorative healing. I also decided to learn medicine, as I came across a revelation. I am not just a mechanic looking to make monies. I am a solver of problems, and seeing my allies get injured, one expedition after another, became increasingly distressing. That is why I developed the stimulation delivery package, or "stimpack", to give them the means to stay standing so I can rest easy knowing I did my part.   After the destruction of a good portion of Reprieve, we were ordered to relocate to Desert Rose. I still miss my old home and its kitchen, but this should do for now. The environment reminds me of home, with the heat of the sun, and the sand on my feet. I also met two valuable individuals, Scarlet and Thorn Junior. Both are talented wizards with different specialties. The former is an adept of defense and utility, while the latter is a talented evocationist. I went to Scarlet to copy spells, due to her increased availability, and my newfound focus on keeping my allies alive. I even managed to get both of them to make commissions for supplementary gear. They have the wealth of nobility, making them valuable customers. This arrangement will be mutually beneficial.   Having changed my focus from overwhelming offense to defense and team support, I salvaged the Pile Bunker and the cartridges as it was unwieldly to operate with my new powered exoskeleton. With it, I could carry more weight, leading me to also salvage my old bracers to fit the exosuit with Tenshi armor plating, fit with an aerial mobility system that absorbs aetherical energy from the environment to recharge itself. Varis was right to commission Tenshi armor. Its tensile and yield strength rivals that of titanium.   What inspired me to create the powered exoskeleton was a speculative, if not unrealistic work that I dreamt of. It was a fourteen foot tall construct that I piloted, and despite its massive size, I could move as fluidly as if I were unarmored. It was as strong as it was massive, rivaling the power of a giant of similar size. I call it the "Ikaruga". I do not know of any way to sufficiently power that pipe dream of a project, but for now, the powered exoskeleton should suffice. I can sustain it with fusion cores that are easy enough to assemble each day.