The Vagrant
You have a spark.
You can see it in the eyes and on the tongues of many. Their souls burn brighter than their passions. I see it in
You know what
You want.
Know that there is nothing that can stop
You from achieving your dreams.
You know that there is no restriction that can hold back the likes of anyone.
Because there is
One. Only
One. And nothing else is necessary.
You are all that is required.
Your freedom will be protected. I will see through to it.
You have nothing to fear because
You have played your cards right.
You are not spoiled by luck.
You are spoiled by me. And
We have something special together.
Divine Domains
Freedom, wyld magic, blood, emotion.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
A traveler who is cloaked, often wearing a blank mask. Adherents and cultists will wear similar masks.
Tenets of Faith
Bad and good is all a matter of interpretation.
The world is yours, if only you reach out and take what is offered.
Do as you please. The worries of others aren't your concern.
Everyone has feelings. Yours matter first.
Everyone bleeds.
Magic is flexible.
Nacht na Meschever. Always the night before Samhain, adherents dawn masks and let looks in wild frivolity. This can mean dancing around pyres, or it can mean breaking windows, or it can mean practicing necromancy or wyld magic, or it can mean nihilistic murder.
Aderlass. At random dates, usually when the moon is new in the sky, under cover of darkness, small alcoves in woods are chosen by the stars. Those who choose to collect do so. Prayers to The Vagrant and The Moon are had, and afterwards adherents engage in knife fights, unarmored, in a wild free-for-all. When the battle ends, the battle-weary collect their blood in goblets, bless them, share the cup, and then cast the blood upon the ground.
Divine Classification
The Vagrant