The Triad
Judgment is plain.
This world is unfair.
We are meant to fix that woe.
We are the vengeance you pray for.
We are the second eye.
We are your final tenure to this realm.
All will be accounted for.
All wrongs will righted.
And all falsehoods shall be shed to light.
This is not a favour.
This is not a good deed.
This is simply fairness.
And we can speak as one
When we impart to you here:
You cannot hide your truths from us.
Divine Domains
Justice, fairness, balance, and order.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Three individuals, almost always of the same gender, bearing: a rope/chain, a knife, and a torch, dressed in white and red.
Also represented by a triangle with circles intersecting at each point.
Tenets of Faith
No crime shall go unpunished.
Heroes and villains can both do wrong.
Argument is an effective method of proving innocence.
All are guilty; all can be rehabilitated.
Talk is cheap; permanence is required.
Divine Classification