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Sexual Mōrēs & Laws

Cultures differ from society to society, but the world is a deeply sexual place. While monogamy is dominant, and heterosexuality is the norm in human society, and rape is considered an unforgivable transgression in nearly every society, there are many different forms sexuality takes throughout the world, along with various cultural norms.  

Human Society

  The hedonistic natures of humanity spread into their sexuality, as sex is practiced broadly, diversely, and passionately. Their fleeting, emotional nature leads humans to experiment broadly with sexuality in all its forms. Humans trend toward heterosexual monogamy, although in most cultures homosexuality is also practiced. Age of consent is most closely associated with the individual and when their body becomes sexually active, usually by the age of 14-16.   Courting ages are considered fluid in human culture, and are rarely criticized unless the age-gap is incredibly significant; even then, a married couple is rarely scrutinized. This being said, there are often strict laws enforced about humans not being sexually active with those of other races until the human reaches their 20th year. Human sex is said to be obscene, with many different variations and kinks explored in their short lives, especially during early adulthood; human sex is often seen as unrefined and lewd by other races.  

Elven Society

  The whimsy culture of elves extends into their sexual habits quite organically. Elves trend toward pansexual polyamory almost exclusively. Although many couples seek out semi-monogamous life-partners, these are very frequently open relationships, and it is unsurprising if an elf has one or two mates they place their passions toward, while also sharing their sexual pleasures with dozens of other partners. Even then, structured Elven families can have multiple husbands and/or wives, with multiple child-bearers, and complex family lineages.   Courting ages are considered firm in Elven society, with families encouraging their children to practice strictly romantic, non-consummated relations until at least the age of 50. This ideal is rarely heeded, however, as elves reach sexual maturity by 18 years of age. Romantic relationships are encouraged and admired during an elf's youth, and consummating these relations is often seen as socially obscene, but generally accepted as unavoidable. Beyond age 50, elves are free to do as they please, although proper courting in Elven communities is usually only possible after the adoption of an adult name and title, once a youth has proven their proficiency in a trade or skill, and committed themself to a community.   There are no rules governing Elven relations with other races. Unfortunately, due to the casual attitude of Elves toward romance and sex, this often results in many Half-Elf orphans born out of wedlock. Elven sex is revered as deeply sensual, almost to the point of an art form, focusing greatly on foreplay, tantric sex, frequent use of aphrodisiacs, and magical/arcane/high magic spells and affinities to boost arousal and orgasm.  

Dwarven Society

  Boorish and stern, Dwarves are very logical and puritanical with their sexual endeavors. Dwarves trend toward monogamy or polygamy, with no particular emphasis on sexual preference. Most Dwarven relationships are very matter-of-fact, and happen as a result of either a bonding of two families for the sake of hereditary convenience, the association of two royal families or prominent merchant/craftsmen families, or as methods of wealth acquisition. Arranged marriages are common in Dwarven society for this reason. All Dwarven families have either a patriarch or matriarch who dominates the affairs of the entire family line below them.   Courting age for Dwarves is seen as beginning at age 50, when a Dwarf becomes a full adult. The Dwarf must show that they are able to make a living wage, or has negotiable skills/craft knowledge so that they can provide for their family either in money or skill. Dwarves are allowed to have relations casually, usually accepted around the age of 25, but this is often under the guise of an agreed "don't ask, don't tell" policy throughout the entire community. Alongside this, many Dwarves are asexual, preferring to devote themselves to their trades. This large asexual population results in the low birth rate among Dwarves.   Dwarves are strictly forbidden from associating romantically or sexually with other races. Doing so is seen as a black mark upon the individual, and can result in being disowned by the family line. Less conservative communities can sometimes be more accepting, and generally the more patriarchs in a community that have had interracial relationships, the more likely that community will be accepting of other races courting Dwarves. Dwarven sex is seen as extremely utilitarian, with the end goal being mutual satisfaction - since that satisfaction is defined by those having sex, this means that a round of sex with a Dwarf can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.  


  Wild and cruel, Orcish sexuality is a flame set upon grease, bursting with energy and intensity. Orcs tend toward polygamy, with no particular emphasis on sexual preference. Courtship is merely a matter of convenience in Orcish society; if a potential relationship could benefit the tribe, or benefit the individual, then it will be considered. Sometimes lineage is considered, but even then, inbreeding is extremely common, and there is little regard for the nuances of romance, save for the very rare relationship.   There is no defined courting age for Orcs. They are seen as sexually active whenever they are mature enough to engage in sex, usually around their 10th year. Orcs are seen to take whatever they please during their plunders; formal relations with other races are seen as foul, and sometimes punishable by public beating and humiliation. Sex, however, is extremely common between Orcs and other races, particularly due to the constant pillaging, resulting in a large population of Half-Orcs. Orcish sex is seen as barbaric and furious at worst, often compared to that of wild animals in heat. At best, however, a kind Orc or Half-Orc can be a rough but fulfilling lover.    


  Relationships are simple affairs in Halfling culture. Halflings trend toward any sort of relationship structure that suits them, usually polyamory, with no emphasis on sexual preference. Courtship occurs when two people find an attachment, and ends when the flower petals whither. This means Halfling relationships are constantly in flux, with most partners having multiple different relationships at any given time. This results in lots of arguments and drama, but all is tidied over with a good fight, mead, and roll in the grass. Halflings reach sexual maturity around the age of 15, and have no restrictions whatsoever about sexual relations, as sex is accepted as a common and everyday occurrence, although obscene public displays of affection will usually result in a good talking to.  

Other Races

  Halflings - Relationships are simple affairs in Halfling culture. Halflings trend toward any sort of relationship structure that suits them, usually polyamory, with no emphasis on sexual preference. Courtship occurs when two people find an attachment, and ends when the flower petals whither. This means Halfling relationships are constantly in flux, with most partners having multiple different relationships at any given time. This results in lots of arguments and drama, but all is tidied over with a good fight, mead, and roll in the grass. Halflings reach sexual maturity around the age of 15, and have no restrictions whatsoever about sexual relations, as sex is accepted as a common and everyday occurrence, although obscene public displays of affection will usually result in a good talking to.   Gnomes - Strange at best, Gnomish relationships are quiet and complicated affairs. Gnomes trend toward bisexual monogamous relationships. Courtship occurs as the wind blows, but is almost always seen as a deeply private affair. Ensuring that one's current status in a relationship is kept private is seen as good-mannered, and one should always attempt to appear and make others appear as single and independent, even if they are not, which allows people to not feel constrained or trapped. Courting someone requires an explicit letter or statement of interest, pronounced and given privately, which then results in the receiver revealing their status under strict confidentiality. Within relationships, however, love is extremely free between Gnomes. Most gnomes begin to be sexually active around their 20th year, and sex is an accepted fact of Gnomish society. But no kissing and telling allowed!  


  • Relationships between Dragonborn are rare and strange. As there are few unified Dragonborn societies in the world, there are no common courtships or relationship structures for Dragonborn, although most trend toward polyamory, but then toward monogamy later in life. The practice of "lighting one's heart" exists, whereupon those who find a mate will breath their dragon's breath into the throat of their partner, the intense pain of the practice said to be blending their own flames with that of their partner's heart. Most Dragonborn are sexually active by their 7th year, and there are no rules or concerns about relationships with others whatsoever.
  • Tiefling - Tiefling societies are small, but where they do exist, strong feelings surround these infernal beings. Tieflings trend toward pansexuality, with little care about relationship structure. Most courtships are informal, and on a simple honour system, meaning that concepts of cheating don't particularly exist for Tieflings unless they have personal leanings. Tieflings in a community of other Tieflings are strongly encouraged to breed within their own race, and inbreeding is extremely common. Exceptions are sometimes made for humans and Orcs, but even these affiliations can often be tenuous and shunned by the larger society. Tieflings become sexually mature at the same ages as human, but have no restrictions around sexual activity.   Goliath - Familial yet fiercly independent, Goliath relationships and sexuality are fluid and unrefined. Goliaths trend toward heterosexual monogamy, although homosexual extramarital affairs are allowed with consent. Courtships in Goliath tribes are informal and loose, with explicit rules that as little inbreeding takes place as possible, and that any relations are with those from another tribe, or from an extended family with no direct familial connection. Exiled Goliaths are free to do as they please with regards to sex and courtship, however; although Goliaths are rare in general, those seen in society adopt many various types of courtship structures.