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Record of Princess Sonia Valice after Regicide of the Royal House of Beoulve

A tragic day seeking vengeful retribution.

Record begins...   Written by Marke Gira (XII), Proclaimer to Valice Province, Scribe of Winhill, Town Crier for Winhill.   Setting: Winhill town square, in front of Castle Valice.   Speaking, the Princess of Valice, to be heralded thusly.  
To my humble and expected citizenry,   I solemnly herald: Lady Sonia Beoulve Valice, last of her name, Princess of Valice, and Keeper of House Beoulve. With these titles for the good name of the Duchy of Valice and for my own good name of Beoulve, in dutiful citizenship of the Irenic Order of Avalon, and in great acceptance to King Avalon (MMMMMDCLIV), and with service toward the Denizens of Avalon, do I hereby demand your attention.   I know what you see in me. I am a woman, some may say a mere girl, of many things. I am your governor. I deal with your daily affairs; I travel to your farms, I speak for your legal matters, and I aid you with safety, protection, and guidance as fair and justly as I am able. I am also your friend. I know many of you by name, and those I do not have surely only just been born. I am also your protector, a dutiful servant of the realm of Avalon, with training through my Ser Callum Tristian Boeur, Knight of Avalon, and Keeper of House Boeur. I have done nothing but pledge my dutiful defense of this place we call home.   I have failed you. You know as well as I do. My family is interned. I am last of my name. With my candle being snuffed out, you will have no governor, no friend, and no protector. And while someone will take my space, this is not the truth that we all have sought.   This is a peaceful realm. Avalon is a land graced by true purity, protected by the gods themselves. And yet a group of foul usurpers have attempted regicide. Princess directs to gallows on her right. And they nearly succeeded. You have the four here, fair citizens among you. Friends, perhaps.   No more.   I hereby condemn these ne'er-do-wells to orphans, and then to death. Upon their recitation, I wish my humble garroter to release their latch and let them hang until their dying breath.
Thomas, names and titles abolished, last of his name.
  The latch is released, the subject falls.  
Tasha, names and titles abolished, last of her name.
  The latch is released, the subject falls, deceased upon impact.  
Pook, names and titles abolished, last of his name.
  The latch is released, the subject falls.  
Etrienne, names and titles abolished, last of his name.
  The latch is released, the subject falls.  
Erhard, names and titles abolished, last of his name.
  The latch is released, the subject falls.   Reorienting the crowd, subjects still breathing.  
Oh if only this were all, my citizenry. For there is one more to ours left here. Our most important guest. I leave her for last, as her "companions" throttle, to make a point. Direction right, three subjects deceased, two remain. A point that although we are a trusted community, even the best of us can succumb to vileness and heinous acts of treachery. One of our highest, one of our beloved, one of our own. One of my friends.   They are solemnly heralded: Lady Henrietta Vargas Fafnir, daughter of Duke Vargas Erudon Fafnir, Princess of Fafnir Province, and Heir to House Vargas.
  All subjects deceased. New subject is drenched in cold oil, screaming into a censor upon her mouth.  
Excuse me. Let the records show that I spoke incorrectly.   They are solemnly heralded: Henrietta Vargas Fafnir, traitor, Princess of Fafnir Province and Former Heir to House Vargas.   In accordance with the law set forth by the Zwielicht Council and the Irenic Order of Avalon, I hearby sentence you to death. May the flames of Bahamut turn you and your names to ash. I pray they reach you before Fafnir does.
  Princess Valice leaves her podium. She is bequeathed a torch. She climbs the podium to the stake. She whispers. She lunges the torch into the subject's gut. The subject alights. Screams.  
This is her moment of providence for her good name. Shall we?
  Princess Valice spits into the fire. Screams continue. Princess Valice leaves the podium as the fire continues. Returns to pulpit. Screams grow louder as the censor burns. Traitor Henrietta screams a curse invoking Fafnir's name upon Princess Valice, addressing her by Princess Valice's first name.   The fire continues. Crowd weeps, boos, before brought to silence by guards. Screaming continues. Silence as Princess Valice awaits. Screaming continues. Screaming abates. Screaming ends. Silence. Fire continues immolating the traitor's corpse. Princess speaks again.  
My citizens. I have survived regicide, and yet I live with a heavy heart. I am last of my name, last of Valice, last of house Beoulve. I was robbed of my family, a family of eight. They were your family as much as mine. We were all robbed.   But it is our loss that brings me providence. Because I have learned tale of how to gain our family back. I have learned of a task, given directly by King Avalon and the Irenic Order themselves, which will not only restore our father, our mother, my bro...
  Princess pauses, weeps, wipes away tears. Crowd weeps. Princess regains herself.  
I have learned of a task, given directly by King Avalon and the Irenic Order themselves, which will not only restore our father, our mother, our brothers and sisters, and our great province's dignity from this horrendous affair. And I will be embarking upon this, a quest that will take me beyond The Terminus, to unexplored seas and unexplored lands. I admit, firstly and foremost, that I may never see you again. I may die on my journey, and you will be without a ruler.
  Princess produces a parchment, royal edict.  
Upon my word, I resign my power as Princess and Keeper of House Beoulve to King Avalon and the Irenic Court. By this contract, I shall retain my names and titles. Upon the pronouncement of my death, you will be given a new leader of Valice. But that will not stand on its own. I refuse you to toil your days with this looming idiocy at the hands of a traitor, a betrayer of a friend, which may take all you know away from you. FUCK THAT!
  Crowd gasps. Princess draws a dagger. Crowd panics. Princess slits leg. Princess reveals hand to be covered in blood. Princess presses hand upon contract and holds it up. It glimmers arcane. Princess steps down from podium. Princess takes stake, walks through crowd which parts for her. Princess hammers the edict into declaration board with blunt end of dagger.  
By my declaration, of one of your own, I will return here. This duchy is mine by birthright, and I will not abandon it, nor will I abandon you. The moment I die and this blood does not run through my heart, this page will burn as bright as the flame of Bahamut for all to see. You will know before King Avalon that I have failed you.   And I can promise you this: by my good name, last of my name, I will not fail you. I love you all. Avalon be praised, glory to Bahamut!
  Princess walks away. Princess receives towel for medical attention. Princess leaves presence with her entourage, entering the castle. Crowd analyzes the document. Records end.


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