BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Heirloom of the Eiður

A gift was given to this Earth, An earth of endless gifts. This paradise is unique And this paradise is plenty. All can coexist at peace.   If only this were possible.   It is instead not the choices we make That turn the world around the Sun, But instead the choices we make That lead our day into night. Your deeds should be meaningful, dear soul. Your deeds are always watched.   I watch you, dear soul. And I will protect those who donate their lives to the service of others. Because bonds are made every day. At every meal had, and every handshake met. I bind these words and deeds, and you shall see them through. And so the world keeps turning, Never-ending upon the light of truth and the goodwill of faith in each other.

Divine Domains

Truth, light, happiness, trust, bonds, celestial beings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A lit lantern or a lit candle.

Tenets of Faith

Murder is forbidden except for that of justice. Always aid the innocent and needy. Do not lie. Betrayal is the highest form of infamy. Bring ne'er-do-wells to justice. Do not steal.


Illuminous Festival

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Pervade goodness upon the downtrodden.
Divine Classification


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