Episode 24 Report in Rakuen | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 24

Returning Home

General Summary

Garroth's eagerly awaited invention has come to fruition with the aid of Cedric at The Academy, creating a jug that is able to pour elven wine, as much as one could ever want! With their invention complete, Garroth made sure to also use a new spell he learned to copy down a teleportation sigil at Vale Academy before encountering Korva having a late night encounter at the tavern. There, the two shared some of the mentally strange narcotic known as subtleflower, linking the two of their minds for several days before they were able to relieve the effects at the academy. From there, the group packed up their circus troupe and moved out toward their ultimate destination of the capital.   The bustling capital brought as much promise as it ever did. Maul and Jack were able to make a small fortune off the very large gemstone earned from their previous adventures, and much of the individuals profits were summarily spent away on various armors, items, and sundries throughout the city.   The circus was erected with permission in the central park of Odessa, with Jack, Maul, and their newfound circus companion working to lure people to an attendance the following day, with behind-the-scenes exposure of the circus being shown. Korva, however, had other thoughts on his mind. Eager to seek out the individual known only to him as Ori, Korva began canvasing the city in search of where they might be. With Garroth seeking Korva's company throughout these wanderings, they eventually came upon a string of the Raven Queen, one that both Korva and Garroth saw, much to Korva's shock. As they began to trail Korva's mark, Korva received a simultaneous, different calling from another of his gods of Chaos. Trist beckoned him in a different direction as that of the Raven Queen's mark, and he chose to follow his instinct toward Trist's goal instead.   They came upon a young woman living in a small living space in the thick of the city's winding streets. After some convincing, the two young men took time to parlay with her, learning more about her circumstances. It was revealed that she had a long-lost paramour who was an adventurer. He had made his way through Odessa, and the two had a tryst that lasted several moons, until he departed with nary a word. She learned only that he was from a distant place very alien to her own, and that the last known destination of his was the far off country of Éndelaria. Korva vowed himself to serve Trist and find this woman's paramour in order to reunite them and bring them happiness.   But of course other things lie in wait within the dense city that surrounds the party...
Report Date
18 Oct 2018
Primary Location


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