Episode 17 Report in Rakuen | World Anvil
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Episode 17

Among the Bones

General Summary

After diligent research at Vale Academy had come to an end, the group decided it was time for them to set out on the road once again with the circus. Garroth discussed with Belisarius and told him they would be traveling to The Marrows to journey toward this newfound pyre. He asked them to see what they discovered, bringing back anything they could if it seemed valuable to learning more about the pyres themselves.   The group set off to the west, seeking to drop off the Dubious Daggers somewhere more useful or profitable before heading into the dangers of The Marrows alone. They came to the town of Oakheart. Although this village seemed peaceful, despite a strange incidence of kidnapping or disappearance in the nearby woods, it was soon learned that the town was a bit prejudiced, as is sadly common on the edges of the Ruby Kingdoms. Taking particular offense to this were Maul and Jack, who decided - after a particularly contentious encounter with the local blacksmith - they they would get their justice. They wandered into town at night, giving their names to the guards, and summarily robbed the blacksmith of a good portion of his wares, before trotting out of town and setting off immediately in the dead of night with their circus. They set off further north, to a smaller frontier town at the foot of the mountain range separating the kingdoms and The Marrows, where they left the circus to bide its time.   Setting off into the hills, the team followed the dirt road until they encountered a cyclops. However, Maul's skill at negotiation with the mountain folk of The Marrows meant that the cyclops saw them as friendly, taking them to meet a band of half-giants who seemed to have formed a business around forcing people to pay a toll if they sought passage across this region of the mountains. Jack felt set on recruiting the cyclops, known simply as One, to the circus, and with some persuasion was able to convince the group of giants this was a wise choice. They agreed to seek out their business at the pyre and return for One to take him along to the circus.   They also learned more about this region of The Marrows they would be approaching. The half-giants warned them away from the region, explaining that a band of gnolls operated out of the canyons there. Moreover, it was said by One that there was a fearsome dragon beast further on in the canyon, which guarded a strange cave. This was all the info needed, and the group set on.   In exploring the canyon, Korva flew overhead, both seeing a massive hydra, as well as the band of roaving gnolls as warned. He also discovered a chest, and in trying to smash the lock open, alerted the gnolls. A battle ensued, and the group was victorious. They raided the chest for various treasure, before setting off further into the canyon. The group snuck past the hydra's layer, but decided to instead seek out the danger and fight it head-on. Luring it out of its lair, Garroth's skill in fire magic aided them in quickly dispatching the horrible foe. The group rested in their magical hut summoned by Jack until a more appropriate time to enter the cave and discover what lies beyond...

Rewards Granted

Various gold/loot from gnolls.

Character(s) interacted with

The mayor of Oakheart, Jared the guardkeep of the town, Alma the servant to the mayor, One the Cyclops, One's family of half-giants.
Report Date
17 Jul 2018
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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