Rahmori is Living! Document in Rahmori | World Anvil
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Rahmori is Living!

Gvi. Methis Porga


Wike 12, 1417 SE

  A subject was brought in under peculiar circumstances. The subject was extremely hot to the touch, white puss oozing from their pores. Subject complained of internal aching as though
Someone was eating and biting trying to get out.
Conditions unlike anything we have seen.

Wike 15, 1417 SE

After further test the subject themself are completely healthy. No illness within them could be identified meaning the illness they are exeriencing shouldn't be possible. Further test must be conducted. Will try contacting family for questioning regarding how this even started. Subject no longer capable of speech and appears to be stuck in a trance.

Wike 18, 1417 SE

According to family subject was found outside of a restricted protected area during unsupervised hours. Subject was studying the native animals and was sneaking in to observe without supervision. After investigating the subjects home sacred items such as herbs, roots, saplings, and eggs were discovered. The subject has been smuggling sacred items against several accord principles. I believe the subject is not sick, but rather the rahmori is. The planet viewed the subject as a parasite and began to attack from the inside. What furthers my conclusion is the plants growing from the subject. The plant is new, I am unable to discribe it's similarity. It's a whiye flower, with green stems and leaves and a grassy base. It grows from the ooze and reminds me of the rahmori flower. I think our theories have been correct. We have agreed to set a burial site where the soul may rest and the plant may flourish if it so chooses.


This document is recorded as the first documented writings discussing Rahmori being similar to a living being.

Document Structure


They are like dated entries.


Publication Status

This is public records.
Record, Public
Authoring Date
Wike 12, 1417 SE

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