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Radia is a planet orbiting the star Vivo, in the milky way galaxy. It has a special connection to Earth via tesseracts, which manifest in tesser rocks and magical intergalactic shoop (sheep with butterfly wings, who are the ancestors of Earth’s sheep).   Radia is home to many sapient creatures, including smokees, chloros, vaporos, and icellis. Humans from various cultures have also immigrated from earth via portals from tesser rocks. The most prominent cultures include the Mapuche, the Kingdom of Aksum, the Ancient Greeks, the Malay People, Sikhs, and the Celtics.   The tesser rocks of Radia are very common, bouncing back and forth between Radia and Earth, transporting whatever is near them to the other planet when they tesser. As such, Radia resembles the Earth very much.   What sets Radia apart from earth is its magic. Magic of the elements, Storm, Water, Fire, Dirt, and Night, are controlled by the elemental stones. These stones do not tesser at random, and instead guard their user with magic. If the holder of one of these stones is in mortal danger, the stone tessers to Earth or Radia, saving them.

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