R-23 Era of Animens Timeline
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Era of Animens

The Origins and Stories of all the Animens that exists within this universe with the example of: Felinmens

Pre-Space Age

2015 UC 2031 UC

The Beginning of Space travel, trades, cities, Everything

  • 2025 UC

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    2029 UC

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    Project Catman
    Discovery, Scientific

    Cloudy Co. Project Catman is an attempt to make Catpeople by doing illegal experiments on them, The Project Catman was shut down on after 3 years of experiments by the government, They paid a compensation of 4,000,000 Credits

Dawn of Animens

2032 UC 2040 UC

The start of Humanoid animals or as it is commonly called "A furries wet dream" where Cloudy Co. and other companies make Humanoid Animals

  • 2032 UC

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    2036 UC

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    Project Felinmens
    Era beginning/end

    Cloudy Co. decides to go with a safer route of creating a new species by using vat-growing technology which turned out to be a success and sparked the Dawn of Animens, Cloudy Co. kept them in shelters for safekeeping, One day a couple of Felinmens escaped and caused chaos amok multiple cities in an attempt of "peaceful" protest which ended in Cloudy Co. paying compensation for all the casualties and injuries caused by the Felinmens

  • 2032 UC

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    2032 UC

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    First Private Felimens Nursery Built
    Construction beginning/end

    The first nursery to keep the Felinmens in have been completed

  • 2032 UC

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    Felinmens Escaped Captivity
    Criminal Activity

    Felinmens was caught escaping the facility and security failed to capture them, Operatives were sent to find and capture them

    More reading
  • 2032 UC

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    2035 UC

    22 /11

    Freelinmens Movement

    The Escaped Felinmens started a movement to free all the Felinmens by doing "peaceful" protest, Since Felinmens are known to have low intelligence and the mind of a cat, they don't know what peaceful means so they protest in scratching, clawing, biting innocent civilians and throwing their own excrements everywhere

  • 2034 UC

    23 /6

    Célp Brand Pasta Sauce

    Cloudy Co. attempted to murder felinmens and make Pasta sauce out of them...... Yeah it was a stupid idea
    "Today's message has been sponsored by Célp Brand Pasta Sauce. Like the taste of pureed Felinmens? Then you'll love Célp Pasta Sauce."

  • 2034 UC

    31 /7

    Attack on Célp Factory
    Criminal Activity

    Like I said, It was a Stupid Idea. They destroy most of the Célp Factories and Warehouses with some kind of IEDs, They were also stupid since the pasta sauce got sprayed on them which made them sick and is probably going to get Cloudy Co. a Bioweapon Charge

  • 2034 UC

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    2038 UC

    9 /5

    Anti-Feline Operatives
    Civil action

    Cloudy Co. hired groups of mercenaries to terminate any Felinmens they see. They Disbanded on 9th of Mae 2038

  • 2034 UC

    22 /11
    2038 UC

    3 /5

    The Feline War
    Military action

    The Feline War was a war between the Human and the Feline which resulted in a tie and casualties of ~30,000 Humans and ~500,000 Felimens

  • 2038 UC

    25 /10

    Allowing Citizenship of Animens
    Diplomatic action

    After a brutal war and on this Givesmas day, Dan D. Dawkins allowed Animens to have proper citizenships and work permits, and compensated the victims