Svalovic Language in Quéteir | World Anvil
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Writing System

Latin alphabet, plus Slavic diacritics.
Aa Bb Cc Ćć Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Ńń Oo Óó Pp Rr Ss Śś Tt Uu Vv Yy Zz Źź

Geographical Distribution

Svalovic is spoken in regions of Therana, including the towns and cities of Marutky, Kosobry, and Ekszhai. It is the primary language in the provinces of Kosobry and Trezniy, though it has presence in Iavaroth, Schedenhadenschaussern, with traces in Occli, Di Mernia, Campevigno, and Seacliffe.


Its sounds are mostly derived from Slavic pronunciations.


Morphology follows that of Slavic languages.
Common Phrases
Će, jak ma taj?
Hey, how are you?
Dobre vidzia jeś dziaś.
Good to see you today.

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