Wíiniko'ob Kaano' Species in Quiloriel | World Anvil
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Wíiniko'ob Kaano'

Written by lola_lotus7

The Wíiniko'ob Kaano', sometimes called "snake-men", are actually an entirely different species. They have snake tails, large, colourful wings, and serpentine green or yellow eyes with slit pupils. In their home of Yazatix, they rule theocratic empires of their own design over primitive human cultures. They are also known for their extensive knowledge of bloodmagic.

Basic Information


Wíiniko'ob Kaano' have a humanoid body type, however they possess large, colourfully feathered wing and serpentine tails. They are generally short but slender, at most 5 1/2 feet tall.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They look somewhat human, with unnaturally thin and snake-like faces as well as slit-pupiled green or yellow eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Wiíniko’ob Kaano’ live all across the southern portion of Yazatix, but nowhere else in the world. Occasionally an outcast or traitor will be spotted wandering the Xhlaqui Desert.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have excellent hearing, but with their sight most colors are indistinguishable. Like snakes, they also possess infrared vision and an excellent sense of smell.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Female first names: Qua’eketzalli, Xoi’achitl, Xochiqetzli Male first names: Xeztli, Zkueatemoc, Ksilhixcamina Surnames; Xoatl, Itzmoyxotl, Teotl

Major Organizations

Wíiniko'ob Kaano' territory is divided into thousands of city-states, all with the goal of eventually ruling all of Itsikuauhtla. One thing they can agree on is the philosophy of ascending to godhood through worshipping other gods, so their organized religion is robust.

Average Technological Level

They are masters of art, poetry, and architecture, but also fierce warriors. Bloodmagic is used commonly by priests to assert their power and attempt ascension to godhood.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Wiíniko’ob Kaano’ view humans, the only other sentient species in the south of Yazatix, as simple slaves and thralls. To them, they are the rightful rulers of humans, born to build empires on the backs of their servants. Humans seem fragile, primitive, and lacking in intelligence and any knowledge of their destiny as slaves to the Wiíniko’ob Kaano’. All humans are subordinate to them, and lower species are tools to the end of military and religious domination.
Scientific Name
Anguis Deus regem
25-30 years
Average Height
4.75 to 5.5 feet
Average Weight
90-115 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their human-like skin and hair are almost always mahogany and black, respectively. However, their wings are many different colors, like parrots, and their snake tails can have green, yellow, blue, brown, red, black, multicolored, or iridescent scales.
Geographic Distribution

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