The Vathys Item in Pyrinas | World Anvil
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The Vathys

The discovery of Vathys power has changed the world of Pyrinas.   Jacob Anagennisi is credited with the initial discovery. He led the research team that developed the means to control the power and incorporate it into society. Sadly, Jacob suffered a fatal injury during an experiment only a few years after his discovery. Upon his death, his findings were confiscated by government authorities for reasons of national security.   The exact nature of Vathys is not publically known. What is know, is that it provides an extremely potent form of energy that has allowed the civilizations of Pyrinas to develop beyond a currency based economy, and runs nearly everything in the known world. From the automaton workforce to mechanically powered agricultural equipment and massive trading vessels.   The development of the Economy: The Metatropeas and it's Economy: The Kyvos storage units has made coin redundant and trade goods and skills the primary means of economic exchange.   It is not without its dangers, as it is highly volatile and destructive if not contained. However, this drawback has been accounted for in most modern designs.

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