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The world of Pyre is a land of floating islands over a vast sea of clouds and blue sky.   Shape: Sky Islands linked by Airship travel   Major Historical Events: The Great Sundering, in which a war tore apart the Continent into the islands we know today and marked the founding of The Church of Aegios by a mythical order of knights known as the Order of Aegios.   Main Countries: The Arken Empire working to recover and restore lost technologies and The Kingdom of Aegios, crusader knights and proselytizers. Other countries include The Electorate of Erin, an staunchly independent trade nation governed by elected city and national leaders   Magic: Magic is provided to the world by Mana, waves of energy not unlike light, but which can be manipulated by talented or learned individuals to use magic. Dragons consume Mana the way plants intake light and carbon-dioxide, and exhale mana that has been re-aspected in some way, which influences the environments in which they live. Mana originates from the deaths of Ancient Dragons, which releases vast quantities of it, though the last Ancient Dragon to die was beyond written history.

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