The Elevated Organization in Psionis | World Anvil
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The Elevated


Within each Family, there is the highest honor of being appointed to the Elevated. The Elevated is a universal group that incorporates members from all of the Families, big and small. Each Elevated is gifted with some form of unique ability that puts them above the rest of the population.


Despite their divisions, the Elevated are obligated to journey from their homelands to their common meeting place, the Dais, once a year. The Dais is located somewhere deep within the Hard Lands, and is rumored to have once been the dwelling place of the Generalis.

Hierarchy and Organization

The Elevated have a hierarchical structure determined by the type, strength, and range of abilities that they possess. The member with the median most experience, the broadest range of abilities, and the strongest abilities is chosen as the leader, called the Throne of the Generalis, just Throne for short. Examples of this are simple. Faced with a choice between a candidate that contains all of the powers but is inexperienced and a candidate that has one ability but is experienced, the Elder Heads of each Pillar will choose the one with less experience and will assist him/her in the form of advisement.
There are seven Pillars of the Throne, which are basically different subsects of the Elevated that correspond to the different generic abilities. The Pillars are this: Telepathy, Strength, Swiftness, Endurance, Thought, Remembrance, and Long Life. Each Pillar has one Elder Head who is in charge of the Pillar and two Lesser Heads who assist in the running of the Pillar. Each Elder Head is also tasked with being an adviser to the Throne.


Telepathy is a unique category granting all of those who possess it to communicate with others. Despite its apparent simplicity, there are multiple variations documented by the Scholars of the Elevated.
  • Conveyance - The ability of sending concentrated thoughts to any other Elevated. Usually all one has to do to activate this ability is to concentrate on the person who is to recieve, then to imagine what you want to hear. Requiring a lot of focus, being able to carry out a telepathic and verbal conversation is one of the hardest skills to acquire.
  • Outreach - Outreach is a a rarer and more powerful sub-ability of Conveyance. Considered one of the more powerful Telepathic abilities, this allows individuals to not only send their thoughts to other Elevated, but also to any other Unitos. Especially talented individuals are known to have sent telepathic broadcasts to multiple people at once.
  • Meditation - The Telepathic ability of listening to others' thoughts. Not as common as Conveyance and considered the weaker of the two. If a bearer of the ability becomes powerful and skilled enough, they are able to zone out the cacophony of voices around them and focus on one person, absorbing their inner thoughts and feelings. However, this ability often requires meditative practices and calming techniques, limiting its use.
  • Puppeteering - Considered an evil ability by most of the Unitos race, any person found able to harness this power is often stigmatized and avoided. This ability allows the user to implant suggestions on most other people. The people will often follow these suggestions without realizing, and can be controlled to commit terrible or extremely good acts. For unknown reasons, there are a select few Unitos that are completely immune to this ability.
In all, the Pillar of Telepathy is in fact one of the most common Pillars, and as such has the most members. Most only have one of these ability in limited capacity, though an elite few in ancient history were believed to have possessed multiple abilities in their full, making them very powerful indeed.


As this Pillar's name suggests, all of its members are gifted with an increased physical strength. Unlike the Pillar of Telepathy for example, the Pillar of Strength does not actually feature any noticeable variations. All members have at least a little more physical strength, and the greats are capable of amazing feats such as lifting massive boulders and strong arming bears and other animals.


Swiftness in the broadest sense is the yin to Strength's yang. Split up into the variations of Quickness, Speed, and Nimbleness, this ability is broad. Quickness judges a person's ability to react to sudden movements and changes, Speed measures how fast a person is capable of going, Nimbleness judges a persons ability in keeping their balance while moving from one spot to another and more.


The Pillar of Endurance covers a person's ability of sustaining physical movement and/or action for a long period of time. Most members are able to achieve very high records that are simply unattainable to the normal masses.


Thought is another of the Pillars of the mind. All members possess cutting intellects, and are capable of reaching conclusions of logical arguments and problems ten times faster than those without this Pillar. Sometimes recieving ideas as if from a different voice from above, these Elevated are considered touched by the Generalis and are held in special standing.


While considered a passive Pillar, Remembrance is strict on those that are permitted to enter its ranks. All members are able to remember and comprehend almost everything they see, and can recite in detail events that occurred decades ago. All of the Scholars of the Elevated are members of this Pillar.

Long Life

A PIllar all hope to have but few obtain in full, the Pillar of Long Life often means that members are able to survive many things that would killed the unchanged, such as disease, injuries, and old age. The weaker of this Pillar only live a few decades longer than unchanged, but the truly gifted have been known to live until their late 100s and 200s of years.

Organizations Within

One organization within the Elevated are the Scholars of the Elevated. These elite members of the Pillar of the Remembrance dedicate their lives to the recording and remembering of the lives of important members of the Elevated, history-keeping of the Unitos in the region, and the documentation of facts.

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Alternative Names
Elevated (ex. I am an Elevated)

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