The Great Principality of Ismere Organization in Project Immortals | World Anvil
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The Great Principality of Ismere


In the distant past, when Ismere was a sovereign kingdom, the monarch was absolute. The king or queen was the first and last word on any decisions made that affected the nation directly. When it was absorbed into the Dendarin Empire, they lost this capacity. The imperial family married into the Ismere royal family, and the kingdom became a prinipality under the Dendarin regime.   As the rest of the empire collapsed around them, they reverted back to the previous state. Dethroned their Dendarin leader, and put an Ismerian descendent of the last monarch before AC414 on the throne. The Nikola dynasty began in AC879. The monarch feared they would be seen as tyrannical if they looked like they had too much power, so an elected parliament was put in place.   The nation has no state-sponsored religion, but The Temple of the Six is the most widely practiced in the region, who worship the six greater immortals Virda, Ireya, Okula, Galli, Luma, and Lila.  

The Monarch

At the top of the nation's leadership is the monarch, who holds the title of "Prince" or "Princess". This title has been held by Prinzessin Sonja Annika von Kahler since AC998 when the previous monarch, Sterra von Nikola, was killed leaving behind no direct heir. Prinzessin von Kahler has so far remained unmarried and has no children.   The title exists as a holdover from the nation's inclusion in the Dendarin Empire after its absorption in AC414, when the immortal emperor's many children would each rule a province in the empire until his death. This was usually caused by assassination, disease, war, or being dethroned by the population.   The nation's people worship her to an extent, referring to her as the "Undying Princess" and using phrases like "The land of our princess is sacred and must not be violated by those who ignore her rule" and "This land once belonged to the Emperor Dendarin. The ghouls swept him away and made our princess true." The latter phrase is often shortened to "The ghouls made our princess true.", a phrase used on coinage while the full phrase is used on banknotes.  

The Senate

The Ismerian senate is made up of individuals from all over Ismere, elected by the public and remained in power for as long as they were approved of by the population and the monarch. This council existed at the will of the monarch, and could technically be dismantled at any time. The senate proposes changes to law, the people vote upon these changes, and if it passes through the senate, the monarch approves or denies the change.


Ismere's forests are renowned for having high quality wood, and their hills are rich in both silver and iron.


Ismere existed as a small kingdom on the eastern coast of Maney, one nation away from the ringsea, from AC330 to AC414 when it was absorbed into the Dendarin Empire. From the day it was absorbed, it was neglected. It was not well developed, and when the ghouls attacked in AC777, the region was largely left alone. No major population centers existed in their region of the empire, and there was little trade that passed through the area.   As little damage had been done, the region was able to recover quickly after Zinyana's defeat. It took only 14 years for the nation to reestablish itself. Its relatively intact industry led it to become a regional power fairly quickly. It, along with other regional powers Ebenland, Denidaria, and Montase eventually conquered the smaller states near them until they bordered other, larger nations that either never fell during the outbreaks, such as the CCSL, or nations that reestablished themselves under their old rulers, such as Exia. They could not easily expand further, and they began fighting amongst themselves.

The ghouls made our princess true.

Founding Date
  • First Founded AC330
  • Absorbed into Dendarin Empire in AC414
  • Reformed in AC879
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Ismere's currency is the Krone, a word that translates to Crown in Ebenish.  

1000 Kronen

  The Krone was originally bound to the value of a silver denn, one tenth of a gold denn, or ten copper denn. Modern notes are equivalent in value to 7.5 grams of silver, or the amount of silver required to create a silver denn, or roughly US$6.45.

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