Ayla Shwetz Character in Project Immortals | World Anvil
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Ayla Shwetz

Ayla Elektra Shwetz

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ayla as well as Louisa, her twin sister, is quite tall and well built for their military professions, with strong bones and healthy musculature. It is believed these traits are some genetic accident caused by a Drow ancestor, but nobody is certain. She isn't quite as fit as her sister as she took a more passive role in military service, then left military service to start the Shwetz Armament Company.

Body Features

More Drow traits manifest themselves on her body, such as her stark white hair. She and her sister were born with gray skin, but their skin tone grew to match that of their parents as they aged.

Facial Features

The twins have more Drow-like traits in their facial structure, with narrow noses and chins, and eyes with a distinctive diagonal orientation. Their eyes are also red, though they don't share a shade. Ayla's tend towards pink while Louisa's are more crimson.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Ayla and Louisa Shwetz were born in the first few days of AC1135 in the Principality of Ismere. Ayla in the last few hours of the third day of the year, and Louisa early on the fourth. Their initial appearances shocked their parents. With their pale gray skin, red eyes, and white hair, it looked to their father like his wife had cheated on him with a Drow.   Following some research, he discovered their traits did not match those of a true human-drow hybrid, but that it was likely both he and his wife had a drow ancestor in the past, and their traits had become dominant in their daughters. Their concern was soon gone, with more color coming to their faces, eventually settling on a fair tone similar to their mother's.   As they grew, they discovered a love for war games. They played in the woods outside the city center, ruined parts of ancient cities, and in open fields alongside livestock. They were armed with target carbines loaded with wind aligned Crystal Charges and sticks roughly shaped like swords.   At the age of nine, their parents split apart. Louisa traveled with her father to Denidaria and Ayla remained in Ismere with her mother. The sisters would alternate which parent they lived with twice a year, and they both looked forward to their meetings from they day they departed for home. These trips ended at the outbreak of war. In AC1147, Ismere and Ebenland declared war on Denidaria for their fertile farming land. Despite this, she would stay in regular contact with her sister.  

Military Service

Ayla would enter the military of Ismere as a field armorer at the age of 19 in AC1154, spending her days near the front lines splicing broken stocks, cleaning bolts, and ensuring management cores were charged and working properly. When the armistice was signed in AC1156, she was pulled from the front and put to work maintaining and guarding stores of weapons closer to their new border. In her spare time, she experimented with improving her own rifle.   Following a rebel raid on the armory she was working in, her comrades took notice of her rifle's effectiveness, soon beginning to compensate her for doing similar modifications to their rifles.   Eventually, the modifications manifested themselves as an almost entirely new rifle. The Military Small Arms Committee had taken notice of the rifle and wanted to put the pattern into official service without compensating her. She rationalized that the modifications were not made while she was on duty, and as such they were her private property. They paid her for the pattern, and she retired from service to start the Shwetz Armament Company in AC1162.  

New Company

As the conversion for the existing rifle had been sold to the military, she drew up a new rifle pattern for mass production, acting as a subcontractor of other civilian arms companies to keep her factory running in the meantime. In AC1166 and AC1175, she would produce rifle designs that would garner significant military contracts.   The 1166 pattern would be adopted by Ebenland and Ismere, while her 1175 pattern would be adopted by Montase, to the north. Following the adoption of her second original design rifle by Montase, she would spend nearly six years developing the Wind Crystal Impingement system.  

A New Allegiance

In late AC1180, Ayla would finish her Wind Crystal Impingement System and start trying to sell it to neighboring nations. Ismere and Montase would refuse it for its cost, but Ebenland would make a substantial order, as they had recently entered a war with New Dendarin.   The order couldn't be completed before New Dendarin had made them surrender, and Ismere appropriated the rest of the order without compensating her for her wasted time and labor of her workers.   New Dendarin's offensive would leave her factories ruined, leaving Alya seemingly no choice but to go into hiding to avoid death at the hands of enemy soldiers. She would remain in hiding until the end of AC1182, only to discover one of her factories had been reopened, and was now flying the New Dendarin Arms Company flag.   This angered her, and she would approach the Council of Generals to regain control of her factories. Her factories were returned to her in exchange for the ability to purchase rifles with Wind Crystal Impingement systems.   In AC1183, shortly following the reopening of the last of the Shwetz Armament factories, Amelia Kohen would return with assistance from Exia to retake her country from the now tyrannical governing council, who had exiled or executed the members of the council who supported Amelia's return. These included Louisa, who had remained in Denidaria's military through the revolution, and had become one of the twelve governor-generals. Her fate was not yet clear.   Both Ayla Shwetz and the New Dendarin Arms Company's General of Arms Tatiana Weiss voiced their public support for the rebellion, leaving the loyalist armies dependent on reserves, smaller arms companies, and international surplus for their own supplies. Their withdrawal from the support of the nation's official military practically doomed the loyalists to failure.   Within the year, the loyalists were put down by a rebellion led by Louisa Shwetz. Ayla was elated to discover her sister was not among those generals who were executed.  


The Wind Crystal Impingement system would go on to make Ayla very wealthy indeed, jointly designing the Shwetz-Pol. 4.9 Line Self-Loading Rifle Model AC1190 for Polustranya after they won their independence from Bausable, and having her system go into the Kizae Type 187, the Kobeula Rifle 87, and eventually an update to the ISLR-M86, alongside many others as the years went on.


Ayle received tutelage from her parents from the age of three and was put into a local schoolhouse at the age of nine, following her father's leave for Denidaria. She was fairly intelligent, but more skilled in art than more standard schooling subjects.   She followed her passion for combat, being trained in the operation of her service carbine and in the repair of all service arms used by her nation's military. After her reassignment to the southeastern Ismere Armory, she trained herself to emulate the style of technical drawings.


Soon after the age of 14, she worked for a short time as a server in a small restaurant in her hometown. She was treated poorly by the patrons, and was no longer employed by the end of three quarters.   Ayla entered the military as an armorer in AC1154, serving near the front lines maintaining equipment for two years before the war ended. Afterwards, she was reassigned to guard stores of weapons in their new territory. She would leave service in AC1162 to start her own arms manufacturing company.   During the first four years, her company would act as a subcontractor manufacturing parts for other companies until they had their own patterns to produce. Three would be quite successful, and Ayla is still at the head of the company as of the present day.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Armorer of the Principality of Ismere (Former)
  • Conscripted Major, New Dendarin Military
  • Owner of the Shwetz Armament Company
Year of Birth
1135 AC 46 Years old
The Principality of Ismere
Current Residence
New Dendarin
Narrow, Slanted, Red
Long, Wavy, White
5'10.5" / 179.1 cm
165 lbs / 74.8 kg

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