The burned lands Geographic Location in Project Cylyn | World Anvil
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The burned lands

Where flames purged.

Name origin

The burned lands were once territory of kingdom Neonoron adjoined to Velodan´s province kingdom of Vandaryen. Within moors and swamps inhabitants, so called Neonorer or Vyfali, established unique cities and fortresses. In harmony with nature and its surroundings they adapted remarkable to the risks living in poisened areas. No one really knew why they lived withdrawn smeared of every other civilization. Outsiders were not allowed in their territory and everyone who crossed the borders disappeared without a trace. Search teams tried to find them but even they were never seen again. Anyway there was no possiblelity to contact the inhabitants of Neonoron. Some evil tongues claimed, no one is living in the moors and all vanished people just fled to Republic of Amarntya where could live a better life.

The great war for Nival

But all voices silenced as a scout returned from Neonoron and told his lord what really happened inside the moors. Hurted he accused the Neonorer of necromancy and cannibalism. Everyone else of his team got killed or tortured. He could escape to deliver a message.
Demons do not wait.
Confused the lord did not understand it. But as a courier from principality Nival arrived to ask him for help it was already to late: An army of undead soldiers, demons and beasts attacked Nival. That was the beginning of the great war for Nival which lasted from 1411 to 1460 subdivided into three phases.

The third phase: Kata´s warning

As Normad I., king of Vandaryen, begged for help the empress Kata II. sent imperial forces. But not to defend but rather to make an example how the empire would response to an attack. The entire land should be burned down and everyone purged who stood in their way. In the night of 13th May 1458 chosen knights summoned along the border a large inferno which destroyed everything on its path.


Before the war for Nival the land was traversed by moors and swamps. They had access via small river to fresh water and adjoined at the Vagabond Sea in the west. After the inferno in 1458 everything got burned. The rivers boiled away.

Fauna & Flora

All animals and plants who had grow within the swamps and moors got extinct through the inferno. Now it is only badlands with so many ashes in the air that it is very difficult to breathe.
Alternative Name(s)
Neonoron´s disgrace
Kata´s warning

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