Parrir Character in Prógonos | World Anvil
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Parrir (/paɹir/)


Divine Domains

Water in all its forms. By extension, mist, vapor and ice, but also mud and anything else diluted in water.   Though rain is a part of his creation, storms are beyond his will and require as much effort to control as it would a mortal with his blessings.


Family Ties

Though he once considered himself a relative to the other Ancestors, the tragedy of The First Storm led him to resent them. As a result, he lived the rest of his life in reclusion among the Operme,,
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Parrir, Ancestor of Water, Creator of the Boundless Sea, Father of the Waves and the Rain and the Mist, He Who Houses the Fish; Great Saviour of the Operme, the One Who Drew Breath While Drowned; Grand Corroder of the Dry Land.
The shade of crystaline water.
A deep blue, fading to a lighter and brighter shade near the tips.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bluish grey, fading to a darker shade on his hands and feet.
Aligned Organization

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