Blessings Spell in Prógonos | World Anvil
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A blessing is the mark of the Ancestors, a powerful kind of magic that allows the blessed to control an especific element.


Blessings can manifest themselves in different intensities in different individuals. Also, their effects depend on which Ancestor they spawn from.  

Blessing of Fire

Possibly the most common of blessings. Given by the Ancestor of Flames.
Grands the capability to create and control fire. In some cases, makes the bearer impervious to burns and moderate heat.

Blessing of Earth

Granted by the Ancestor of Land. Grants control over the ground and its derivatives, such as sand, metals and crystals.   

Blessing of Wind

Granted by the Ancestor of Winds. Allows the bearer to control wind currents. Carriers of this blessing tend to be optimal flyers.

Side/Secondary Effects

Overusage can lead to exhaustion. In the Ancient Era, the first Placeholder to be blessed had their original appearances modified. This passed on through generations, and nowadays it's almost impossible to find a "pure" Placeholder.


Mostly, usage has no discernible effect. However, in extreme cases the blessing can manifest as bright markings on the skin and glowing irises.


A blessing has to be bestowed upon by an Ancestor, or passed down through generations.
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