The Rotting Colossi Item in Profane | World Anvil
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The Rotting Colossi

Lamenting Guardians

In the wastes of Marmori, there are multiple massive figures that stand several stories high though not all stand proud like their emperor.Dozens of these statues kneel wounded with great weapons of rock and metal jutting from their marble flesh, leaking a viscous black liquid onto the ground below. Ponds of tacky opaque liquid have settled below many of the Colossi. The stench of these pools is like that of a rotting human: sickly sweet with hints of rotting meat. 
"Their corpses may be stone, but they exhume humors like we. Their wounds are very severe as though they were slain in a great battle between being that stand scores higher than we."
- Giorna, Marmori Explorer
These dead warriors wear strange armor on their torso that accentuates their physical prowess and helmets with great plumages. Many historians believe that these colossi were once animate and fought in the long war that led to the inevitable annihilation of Marmori. Explorers claim that the liquid they exhumed has an overwhelmingly copper-like scent. Some even claim that these stone giants have skeletons and bones beneath their stony surfaces. 

The Ancient War

No historians can pinpoint the exact reason or cause of the destruction of Marmori, but many believe it has quite a lot to do with the dead Colossi scattered across the land. Many believe that the people of Marmori wished to defy the creators and ascend if not only to kill the Mourning Brother who plagued life with mortality. As such, the Mourning Brother animated their great statues to destroy them for their insolence, for none should dare challenge the creators let alone wish to "ascend" to become one.

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