Party Morale in Prochorbis | World Anvil
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Party Morale

Morale is integral to the long term ability of a party to function and survive together. Without good party morale, some situations may seem hopeless.  

Rules of Morale

  • Morale is moves towards 0 by 4 every day after the Active Travel Phase and before the Camp Phase.
  • Morale works on a scale from -10 to +10, with -10 being the lowest possible party morale, and +10 being the highest possible party morale.
  • Once a morale threshold has been reached, the bonus is unlocked for everyone in the party.
  • If morale drops below the threshold for the bonus, the bonus is gone for everyone regardless of whether or not it was utilized.
Morale # Effect
-10 Your Nat 2's count as Nat 1's
-6 Enemies have Critical Hit Effects
-3 You have Critical Fumbles
0 Baseline
3 Enemies have Critical Fumbles
6 You have Critical Hit Effects
10 Your Nat 19's are Nat 20's

Ways to Gain/Lose Morale



  • Sleeping in an Efficiency or Suite lodging. (+1-3)
  • Eating a common, good, or excellent meal. (+1-3)
  • Discovering an important landmark, or uncovering a historical artifact. (+?)
  • Sometimes a long night's rest without any encounters, some personal items make this more common. (+1)
  • Some uplifting encounters. (+?)


  • Missing a meal and becoming fatigued. (-2)
  • Long marching and becoming fatigued. (-2)
  • Becoming exhausted. (-4)
  • A player death. (-10)
  • A harrowing event or encounter. (-?)

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