Kal-Zinan Settlement in Primeval Thule | World Anvil
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In the heart of the Zinandar Mountains lies the fortress-city of Kal-Zinan, the largest dwarven stronghold to be found in Thule. Here the secretive ironmasters of the dwarves forge arms and armor unmatched anywhere in the world, using the molten rock of the Zinandar volcanoes to smelt their ores and fire their furnaces.
  Contrary to legend, dwarves cannot eat rocks or drink molten iron, so many levels of Kal-Zinan are devoted to other trades. Vast subterranean granaries and storehouses ring the city’s central forges, protected within Kal-Zinan’s mighty ramparts. The mountainsides and vales surrounding the city are home to high pastureland, hay-fields, and terraced gardens, where dwarven herdsmen and field workers provide Kal-Zinan with a basic level of subsistence in times when it proves impossible to import grain and vegetables from the human realms of Thule.
  Contrary to legend, dwarves cannot eat rocks or drink molten iron, so many levels of Kal-Zinan are devoted to other trades. Vast subterranean granaries and storehouses ring the city’s central forges, protected within Kal-Zinan’s mighty ramparts. The mountainsides and vales surrounding the city are home to high pastureland, hayfields, and terraced gardens, where dwarven herdsmen and field workers provide Kal-Zinan with a basic level of subsistence in times when it proves impossible to import grain and vegetables from the human realms of Thule.


The vast majority of Kal-Zinan’s inhabitants are dwarves, although a small number of human merchants from Quodeth, Lomar, and Marg are usually visiting at any given time.

Industry & Trade

Kal-Zinan is renowned for its metalwork, especially iron-working and other advanced alloys. The dwarves also excel in stonework and often sell their services as road-builders and engineers. In return, Kal-Zinan imports food-stuffs, textiles, and luxury goods.


Dwarves are relative newcomers to Thule, and were the last of the major races to arrive in this land. A barbarian race of fierce warriors, they settled in the defensible vales of the Zinandar Mountains, battling the native cyclopes, minotaurs, and subhuman troglodytes that haunted the region and isolating themselves from the world outside. Kal-Zinan was established as the stronghold and hall of the dwarven chief in the year 833 AR, and over the centuries the hardworking dwarves continued to carve out its galleries and expand its defenses. Around 1200 AR, the dwarves of Kal-Zinan discovered the secret of smelting iron, and they quickly mastered the working of ever more challenging alloys.
  Kal-Zinan maintained a policy of strict neutrality in the affairs of other Thulean cities down through the years. The dwarves profited by selling arms and armor to all customers, as well as organizing mercenary companies to fight in others’ wars. They became so set in their ways that they stood by and did not intervene when Lomar’s army attacked Hurhun, the longtime trading partner and friend to Kal-Zinan. But that neutrality was sorely strained just this year when raiders from Marg pillaged a caravan bound for Quodeth and seized many dwarves, including an important Master, as slaves. This was not the first time Marg had acted in this way, and it provoked great anger in Kal-Zinan. The Council of Masters is now divided between traditionalists who want to ransom the abducted smiths and merchants, and militants who want to ally with Quodeth or Lomar to punish Marg for its actions.

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