Noir Character in Prime | World Anvil
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Hello, I'm Noir. Yes, just Noir. I live my life on the go and do as I please. Don't mess with me, otherwise... well, we'll see.

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Chaotic Neutral
The Jungle
Current Residence
I guess, Prime? IDK
Yellowish Green
Frizzy Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 cm
43 kg

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Wellp, Apparently I'm Writting Now

So... Even though I'm not able to write properly and are getting help from that pirate… um… something? I want to keep a record on what happened today for future occasions… I guess. I'm going to write down a little recap of what happened last time.   So, I was minding my own business, you know. Hanging around on this little tavern.. Diamond something, well at least that's what I remember. I saw this humanly figure, one of those that are fully loaded, you know? Well, I tried to get something for tomorrow's meal, but it went wrong. Long story short I ended up talking her into believing the pouch was about to fall out. The next thing i remember is a wall blowing up in the tavern and two rock-ish people entering. So, here's the thing, whenever I feel threatened I sort of act out. I think it's something about my instincts, I don't know it just happens. Here's where it gets interesting, hear me out.. this buffy pirate and this piece of food started helping me out. I finished one of them, while the Pirate knocked out the other with magical octopus thingies... IT WAS AWESOME. Apparently this loaded woman caught interest in us and, we'll she's offering a good trade, you know... Food, water, money... just for getting back a box. Could you believe she doesn't want us to open the box?! Of course I'm curious to what treasures are held by this thing! So after a good discussion with the food about some imaginary waterfalls, we figured out these rock people came from somewhere close to the mines and we started the quest.   On our way there, we came across this little market with a spot filled with trinkets. Apparently there's something blue with some kind of powers... I think it might be related with the explosion. So this lady showed us this interesting artifact of a turtle. Pirate girl (yes, now it's a lady... don't ask me, I just know it's the same person) was really interested on it so I proposed a little game... WHICH SHE FAILED INCREDIBLY... so now we have this little turtle thingy that moves thanks the blue stuff... and less money... BUUUUT i just got a little insight that our pirate might be wealthy.   Continuing with our little quest, we walked towards the mines when we suddenly discovered this little fella following us... He really have some guts... I ended up convincing the girls to tie him up and continue our quest. Once we got to the mines, we started exploring... Rock people started appearing again, and this time I actually got hit by one of them. Can you believe it? It was really interesting since his rock-ish skin is contagious apparently. We finished them and continued. We reached this particular room and found the box... aaand a lizard... the lizard was kind of hostile.. sooooo... yeah, I guess you can figure it out... The interesting thing came after it perished... It was not a lizard, it was a FRIGGIN DRAGON... After some investigation, I figured there was this insect thingy that tried to get a grip of me ... But oh I'm so awesome I overcame it. Once our little feud with this insect was done and somehow we managed to capture it. We decided to take a little peek of the box... there was another egg.   We went back to the tavern and reported to the Elf-lady. We got our reward and apparently she became really interested in or talents. Let's just say we were re-hired. Of course I demanded my teacher. I'm in a high urge to learn this stuff. I'm tired of not getting the whole picture because I don't know how to read or write. Elf-Lady told her bodyguard Rheda to keep us company.. She seems quite interesting, I really seem to like her... Well anyways, when we were walking out two quite interesting figures were walking in. One seemed similar to me, cat-like. I think I'll like her as well. The other one seemed very cold... meh.. I'm more interested in the cat... do you think she also comes from the jungle? Buut, that was not the only interesting fact.. they brought in a cart with something valuable. Unfortunately the box that could be easily grabbed was placed in a complicated spot, so I decided to give it up. If I were to get caught, things might have turned awkward between the Rheda-lady and I soo.. I really prefer to learn right now.   Well after a while waiting, these girls came out again with the Elf-lady... apparently our quest took a 180 turn and now we have something else to find with a Lady Archanist (?). We'll sehow that goes.   Oh, I'm missing a reaaaally important thing. So the two new girls needed to prove themselves to the Elf-Lady... aaand she decided to use Rheda-lady for this quest. I found it interesting that she smiled. This was definitely going to be a challenge, and well, I love challenges!   I guess this will be all for today.. We'll see the outcome of the battle with the Rheda-lady later. I am genuinely excited about this encounter. Let's see what these girls' hidden talents are.  


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