Obsidian Material in Primar | World Anvil
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Obsidian is crafting material associated with fire. It is formed with a combination of fast cooling lava and often used as a medium for enchanting, focuses, wand crystals, arrow tips, and many different melee implements. Obsidian can be made into melee implements and primarily blades as the brittle nature of the material prevents it from being used for striking or stabbing.   There are a few variations of Obsidian, each with their own properties:
  • Snowflake Obsidian: Which is used for Ice magic.
  • Clear Obsidian: Less brittle and more durable
  • Fire Obsidian: Slightly reddish, used for high level fire spells
  • Blue Obsidian: Often used for Dark magics


Material Characteristics

Brittle but extremely sharp.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Very accepting of certain magics.

Geology & Geography

Near volcanic activity, but away from water.
Certain Obsidians from different plains will have a faint smell representing where it came from
Mostly Black, might come in Deep Dark Browns, Reds, and Blues. Might have white spots.

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