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Prima is a world filled with magic though near barren of dragons, it exists with its own unique issues like any other place. Overlooking this world are two suns as it watches a colorful cast of denizens shape the world they inhabit. For instance, there stands an entire kingdom home to giantfolk and smallfolk living in an...uneasy agreement with other monstrous races dwelling as though they are citizens just as well. Meanwhile, in a neighboring country, there is an entire class of merchants and nobility forcing their fingers into every pie that currently exists or soon enough will to stay above every peasant beneath them. And as more laws and codes are put into place, the people grow restless. Then, across the ocean is a tundra-coated continent where most food is relied on by hunters who are in a social standing all of their own. But as their exclusive club dwindles in numbers, so does the food for their communities.   There are many blessings upon this world to help make it all worth living. No major threats, save for war, have plagued the world in centuries. In fact, thanks in large part to the Kingdom of Giants, dragons have almost become a long fading legend for those with shorter lifespans. Then, once every year, the space between the Material Plane and the Feywild becomes so thin that the untampered magic can leak into Prima, playing tricks or altering the lands in these interesting ways. With all this lack of large scale matters never taking place, it's allowed the people living here to focus on advancing their understanding of their Plane and beyond. Both magic and technology alike are beginning to flourish as the brightest minds find their outlets.   But even as the world keeps progressing, so too do the Upper and Lower Planes, gods and fiends alike, as they work towards their own goals. Many of them involving the evolving mortals that have become much more curious of the powers that lie beyond their current understanding. Will they continue to grow in power and knowledge? Or will a few fate-touched beings become pillars of ruin for them all?

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