Twisting Desert Geographic Location in Pri'autnium | World Anvil
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Twisting Desert


A medium-sized desert located between Wildfox Flats and Kairen Tables, the Twisting Desert is a hot wasteland that reaches temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius or 140 degrees Fahrenheit in the day and -20 C/-4 F during the night. There are many oases and one large river, which is called Corosone River. Famous places are Traitor's Spine, Onyx Bones, and Twin Springs.

Fauna & Flora

Blackblood tree, Stonerose, and Smokethorn are relatively common, but the most common plant is Glass Cactus. Some plants, like Chainroots, are completely unique to this desert.

Natural Resources

Blackblood wood, bluesand, Jasper buds, other
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