shadow Quiet Hail Character in potato time | World Anvil
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shadow Quiet Hail

shadow Quiet Hail

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

slender and tall

Special abilities

dart in and out of shadows

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shadow lived with his clan for most of his life, but due to him having a unique interest in stealing shiny things, he got involved with criminals. He soon joined The Pandion's Talons. Bouncing from place to place doing heists with the faction and becoming a highly regarded officer of the criminal underworld, he soon began to notice different arguments within the group and he started to drift apart from the usual group, and started pocketing small shiny things from the heists. Up until recently, he had been concentrated in Thucydia with the group, but in the last heist, they were breaking in, for some paintings, but along with the paintings, shadow saw a steel dragon scale, so shadow took his chance, pocketed the somewhat large steel dragon scale, and escaped, locking the other members of the group within the vault, dooming them to a life sentence of prison. After this, he escaped the town where he was living, and is heading south, not for anything in particular, but just to get away from the city he once saw as home(or atleast the closest thing to home one can get, besides with the clan)

Gender Identity





none official education, raised by a clan of tabaxi, but got involved in crime, thus his education is by experince on the street


none right now, seeing he fled the scene of an active crime, previously he was employed with a group within the crime faction, stealing painting and other valuable items.

Accomplishments & Achievements

high regarded officer in the criminal underworld stole a steel dragon scale and succesfully escaped south without getting caught.

Failures & Embarrassments

a bit embarrased about the fact that he is the reason why the members of the group were locked up

Intellectual Characteristics

usually not the brain of the operation, but isn't born yesterday

Morality & Philosophy

Do against others, like you want others to treat you(unless of course it's in the best interest that you dip)

Shadow of Quiet Hail Clan, Usually lurks in the shadows and pockets shiny things

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chaotic neutral(goes for whatever is in his own best interest)
dark yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark with grey toned stripes
Known Languages
Thieves' cant and elvish

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