Jake O'Dell Character in Portomare | World Anvil
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Jake O'Dell

Jake O'Dell was the first eldsinger on Portomare. He was conceived off world when his father, a strong fokasinger, sowed some wild oats during an otherrealm visit. (This was before otherrealm travel was banned.) Sixteen years later, Jake was accidentally brought to Portomare, along with four others, where he was discovered to have fokasinging skills well above the norm.   Being only half native, and having such unique skills, Jake faced many hardships during his life. He married his childhood sweetheart Nikka, who came with him, and they had four children, all eldsingers.   Jake's closest friend, also his mentor and the man who accidentally transported him to Portomare, was Ty Chandler, the most powerful fokasinger of his day. He remained Jake's friend until the day of his death.   Jake created many of the most powerful songs on Portomare. His life was filled with adventure and danger. His last adventure wasn't recorded in the history books and had to do with a mysterious otherrealm group and hidden reefs. From this secret event come the events of the Strains of the Portomare series, when one of Jake's ancestors locates the hidden reefs and tries to right what went wrong.

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