Province of Africa Geographic Location in Porte | World Anvil
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Province of Africa


While the Carthaginians have met their fates to the hands of an expanding Rome in Claustrum, in Porte they weren't annihilated but simply adjusted paving a way for future influence on the world. Some may say that without Carthage Rome would never been able to dominate as they did. While others claim the bad blood between the two cultures limited Rome, never reach its heights as they did in Claustrum making it vulnerable for hostile forces. In reality, you can only guess what would have happened.



The first Carthaginians to have been reported came from the north like any other civilization. Greek colonies on Martos reported them as trade experts. They were led by Dido Queen of Carthage, a woman. Women were seen as objects by men back then. However, her aura beamed power so no sane man would dare mention it. She asked the Greeks for information about the new world this new world and where her people could settle without having any border problems with any nation. After trading goods and information they went south-west.   Punic sources tell us they met The Hunters of Artemis who first seemed hostile until they realized this group was led by a woman. They guided the Punics to a dessert island. They couldn't understand why this powerfull woman would settle in baren land instead of claiming fertile land. Dido named the island Qart-Ḥadašt, modern Africa. Here they found remnants of an earlier settlement. Egyptians have tried to claim the island but they weren't able to maintain a colony there because of supply issues.   One of the Greeks that went along was Aesop, son of Demosthenes of Athens. He was a trader and historian writer who was interested in trade between his city and this new kingdom. In his records, we find the reason why the Punics prefered this island above other territories.
You can't have a wealthy trade with nations that hold a grudge against ours, even the possibility of war is enough to damage trade. Once we know our friends we'll expand on the expense of their enemies.
-Dido about eco-politics.

Battling Nature

  After they settled their first city Carthage and transformed the banks of the two rivers located on the island to farmland guarantying food. When they explored the land they found precious natural resources in the mountains, perfect for extraction. With the materials they obtained they could trade and finish their first settlement, Carthage. It took a decade to make the island more habitable, they build rodes between cities located at the rivers and the capital, build a harbour to stimulate trade and increase their naval force. They also send explorers around the world to discover suitable land for colonisation.  

Colonial Empire

The first land they discovered where the lands north of them, South-Roma. Some Celtic tribes lived at the place but they were no match for the Carthaginian force led by Dido. They settled the coast from one river to the other. During their expedition, they gained plenty of knowledge about a more civilized civilization West of their Capital Island the Etruscans. These were people that had revolution building tactics and weapons, perfect trade partners. The empire resumed its colonial policy reaching an unmatched power in the West. Their colonies reached deep into Roma and reached another kingdom, the Roman Kingdom who had recently fought of the Gauls led by Brennus.  

Alexander the Great

  When the Greco-Persian war started the Greeks pleaded for the intervention of the Carthaginians, arguing that the Persian hunger for conquest wouldn't be satisfied with only the Greek states. The Persians being an important trade partner the Carthaginians couldn't effort to lose because the impact on their economy refused. This choice appears to be fatal.   After the Persians conquered the Greeks they were utterly defeated by Phillip from Macedon, a man who had been seen as beneath Greek, a man who had been chosen by the world like Dido. He liberated the Greeks-states along with their colonies who then accepted his leadership and prepared for a full invasion on Persia. However, he met an early grave, assassinated by the Hunters of Artemis who were threatened by this tyrant.   Alexander the Great arrived at this world the following year, enraged that his father was killed before finishing his ambitions... again he set out to conquer the world. He defeated the Persian Empire in a span of two years, proceeded by fooling Artemis and sacking the Island of Delos, the home of the hunters of Artemis. His ambition hadn't been satisfied yet so he started a campaign to conquer the entire Roma Continent, defeating tribe after tribe.   The clash between the Roman Republic and Alexander was inevitable. Carthage decided to side with the republic, the Punic-Roman force was led by a Roman general who had DNA mix from Romulus, Remus and Marcus Furius Camillus. With this mixture of Greats DNA they would for sure defeat the Macedonians. However, they were utterly crushed. Rome was sacked and any opposition against Alexander was crushed. In a span of eight years, Alexander managed to conquer the known world including Egypt but failed to take Themyscira and Delos because of the intervention of Artemis.   After Alexander died the empire got embroiled in a succession war where multiple nations declared their independence under the command of an ex-general of Alexander. Qart-Ḥadašt however, didn't. Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, a Roman consul that played a major role in the Samnite wars arrived through the gate and fought alongside the Carthaginians against the Macedonians.  
He tried unifying the world under one empire. While he may have failed to achieve that goal, the world is now unified. Against his empire.
-Greek Historian about Alexander's succession

Punic war

After pushing the Macedonians back to the eastern continent a dispute had arisen between the divide of the newly gained lands resulting in a brief war. The war itself wasn't that significant but it did start the hostile relations between Rome and Carthage paving the way for future conflicts.   The second war started when The Gate released a Great month after month. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, Hannibal Barca, Hamilcar Barca, Hanno the Great, Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus. A new series of succession wars erupted in the East because of the arrival of Antiochus III the Great, Demetrios I. of Bactria, Pyrrhus of Epirus.   After a decade the war where 3/4 of the male population in the Roman and Carthaginian lands lay dead the Roman emerged victoriously. They gained annexed all of the Carthaginian lands, renamed Qart-Ḥadašt Africa and transformed it into a Roman province.  

Roman Province

The Carthaginians were allowed to live peacefully under the Roman Empire, paying taxes like anyone else. The Canaanite religion and culture was modified to be more Roman so their culture could be usurped as a sub-culture resulting in the gain of Carthaginian divine powers and Greats. The Carthaginian Greats played a major role in the wars with the new Greek empire in the east led by the three Greats with Antiochus as their leader.  

0-50 Pr.(The Fall)

After Clovis invaded Roma Carthage had to pick a side. Help Clovis to gain favour and survive or help the Romans for may they strike back at Clovis. First, the senators discided to stay loyal but after they caught the Roman Emperor Trajanus escaping the continent, leaving his citizens to die they decided to side with Clovis. Trajanus was executed as prove their loyalty to Clovis and assisted them in conquering Roma.   After Justinian the Great and Theodora the Great arrived through the gate and defeated the Germano-Greco-Punic alliance their economy was left in ruins. Belisarius conquered Carthage some years later, sacking it and salting the lands around it to show the world the fate of they who betray Rome. Because of the lineage of Carthage Justinian decided it would be a waste to kill all of them so he settled another city for the survivors.  

300 Pr.


Nickeratus, brother of Robbecus is the governor of Africa and Eremus at 300 Pr., later he will gain South-Roma which he will give to Robbecus because of his familiarity with Germans. Nickeratus's goal is to feed the rapidly growing population of the Empire with his divine power from his divine parent Demeter he's able to transform the barren wastelands from Africa and Eremus to fertile land. This process, however, takes a lot of time and effort.


The Island is situated between the island Terra Serrap, mostly populated by Etruscan and the island Eremus, mostly populated by Greeks. It's beneath the continent Roma, home of the Roman Empire. It has 2 rivers, 'Et Ostium Yam' and 'Exit ex Yam'. It's land consists mostly of sand and mountains however, using the same tactics as the Egyptians and Messopatians they have agriculture near the rivers.

Fauna & Flora

No animal nor plant lives here naturally, only imported that can't survive without human presence.
Crops and livestock from the Greeks were traded for metals and services from the Punics. Once the food was sustainable the trade shifted to Biological materials like fur, wood, fiber, etc. While the natural surroundings made sure the island was inhabitable for humans, trade prevented it.

Natural Resources

There are mass amounts of sand that can be used to produce glass. Also after the sacking of Carthage, there was plenty of cursed salt which is more effective than normal salt in preserving food. It can also be used as a weapon or poison depending on how you use it. The mountains contain iron, suitable for swords, armour and tools. Lead used for paintings, cosmetics and a bunch of others stuff. Used to be used for piping but after Vitruvius discovered it poisons the water it was replaced. Zinc to produce Bronze.
Alternative Name(s)
The Punic Island
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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Cover image: by TheRobber

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Dec 28, 2019 16:20

Hey! I'm just gonna start listing things as I see them, so while I use a numbering system this is just to label individual things I noticed, not any sort of order of importance haha.   1) You need some sort of introduction, just cutting right to the history seems a bit odd. If you need reference, go look at some Wikipedia articles for countries and see how they're organized.   2) "They were led by Dido, a woman." This sentence seems odd, especially since in her quote you name her "Dido, Queen of Carthage". This introductory bit could use another pass as a whole, in my opinion.   3) The way you have the image within the quote is odd. I know you're not a guild member so you can't use the BB Code to manipulate things, but I think you should find another place to put it.   4) On the topic of pictures, this article has a LOT of them. I would cut it down to only what's necessary, and would specifically take the Alexander the Great picture out of the quote box as well.   5) Breaking up the paragraphs would go a long way to help improve the readability of the article. Right now your paragraphs are large, and are sort of a wall of text at times.   6) Instead of "Greeks-Persian War", the proper term would be "Greco-Persian War"   7) As I said I can't help you at all when it comes to validating any amount of the historical accuracy (if you were aiming for any), but I highly doubt that there isn't ANY Flora/Fauna of note here that existed before the humans came. If that was the case, it'd be pretty difficult for there to be any substantial human presence simply because they'd have to supply literally everything.   Hope these help somewhat! Let me know if you have any questions about what I pointed out! I enjoyed reading it!

Dec 29, 2019 00:08

I adjusted some stuff here and there based on your advice but I can't help but wonder how to 'demolish' this wall of text, I thought placing pictures would do the trick yet even when they were still located between the phrases it didn't fix it.

Dec 29, 2019 01:37

You don't need to demolish it so much as spread it out. As an example, in the "The Fall" section, where it says "...Roma. After Justinian..." The sentence starting with "After Justinian..." should be a new paragraph, with a blank line of space between them. It just helps the readability loads when the words aren't all squished together.