Wooly Cupgrass Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Wooly Cupgrass

Standing out in a place as multifaceted as Sigil is no mean feat, but the bariaur Wooly Cupgrass keeps boneboxes rattling. This Sensate alchemist ain’t just an esteemed maker and hader of potions, oils, scents, and poisons, he’s an enthusiastic tester of the stuff. And the way be tests everything is to drink it down

Physical Description

Special abilities

Wooly has tasted and tried kinds of liquid that not only can he pinpoint a drink with frightening accuracy, but he’s usually immune to harmful effects. After all, most of the time he only takes a sip -just enough to identify the contents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wooly generally keeps pretty quiet about his past but, a bariaur chieftain once shared some of the dark. The chief claims Wooly once ran with his tribe back in outlands. Though usually only one female studied the wizardly arts, Cupgrass took to brewing all kinds of potions and elixirs with exotic ingredients from planar traders. One day Cupgrass gave the chiefs daughter a healing potion made with ground thorns from the grey waste; unfortunately the thorns had spoiled, the girl sputtered, molted, and died. From then on Wooly has always tested all potions himself.


Currently wooly works as a alchemist.

Failures & Embarrassments

A week after his lab opened, a tiefling prankster brought him a exilir of madness, a drink the bariaur’d not tried before. Well, Cupgrass downed the whole thing and galloped off on a confused tear through the ward like a crazed armanite, butting storefronts, pony cabs, merchant’s carts, and the like until a squad of Hardheads brought him down. The Sensates healed the madness and paid for the damages, but there’ve been several such incidents since, and the lawful factions’d love to shut down Cupgrass and his lab for good. The Sensates pull whatever strings they can to keep the hariaur operating, as he often visits their sensoriums to record the flavors of a thousand drinks.

Mental Trauma

it's hard to tell what exactly wooly suffers from. it seems like severe anxiety and obsessive compulsion.

Personality Characteristics


Wishes to taste every liquid there is.



Even when he’s in his right mind, Cupgrass eventually sets most folks on edge. A visit to his cluttered lab starts out cheerily enough He rushes forward to usher a body in, his sharply fled hooves clacking on the stone floor. But before long, his nerves get a hit frayed. Cupgrass starts to glance about distractedly, his crystal gray eyes darting to a simmering experiment or some stain on a shelf. He reaches back for the neat, long braid into which he’s pulled his coarse brown hair, and, yanking it forward over his shoulder, unwinds and rebraids it repeatedly. His words start to come out in staccato spurts, as if he’s struggling to bold back a torrent of speech.
Chaotic Neutral
crystal grey
long braided brown
Aligned Organization

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