The gilded hall Building / Landmark in Planescape | World Anvil
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The gilded hall

Between Arvandor and Olympus, near the city of Brightwater, lies the Gilded Hall of the Sensates, a place devoted to beauty and pleasure. The festivals never stop here, every race can speak to every other, and all sadness is banished within its gleaming walls.   The party never ceases in the Gilded Hall. Different wings wake and sleep during the night and during the day; dinner parties, hunts, picnic outings, garden parties, masked balls, and all-night drinking binges are all part of the hall's daily schedule. Oddly, the Gilded Hall never becomes overwhelmed with dirt and trash The Sensates have trouble leaving the Gilded Hall; it traps them like flies in its web, for what fool would want to leave paradise? Some Sensates have lived out their entire lives within the mirrored halls, and it's said many are buried on the grounds.

Purpose / Function

The gilded hall serves as the off sigil headquarters for the sensates. Most often, sensates send the weaker willed or those that simply wish to engage in debauchery to the hall to live out there dreams of doing such, letting those that truly understand the faction philosophy not have to deal with the annoying berks.   The palace of the Sensates has an overwhelming, thundering glory that stops viewers in their tracks and strikes each heart in a different light, as if it were magically tailored to appeal to every eye differently. Bariaur compare it to a fine rearing filly, and dwarves speak of it as being constantly smelted and recast. Elven poets say it lives, constantly breathing, reborn, and they have despaired of finding words for its beauty, its radiance, and the joy it brings to even the most downcast of souls


The gilded hall is a palace of melded, flowing domes and eighteen large and small towers, all thrown together in a way that leads the eye from point to point. Its entrances aren't obvious at first; the visitor must follow a path of discovery toward the entrances, which are hidden behind hedges, walls, or curving paths. Its enormous gardens are always blooming, and the smell of flowers is enough to make a basher sick after a few days. Sensates seem immune to the stench.   The view from inside is almost as dazzling as the outside - wrapped in mirrors and gilded with sheets of gold on every surface. The view is rich, luxurious, and open to all visitors who agree to obey the rules of the Sensates - which are not rules at all, but the motto of the hall: no compulsions, only persuasion.
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