Skall Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Perhaps the most mysterious and dangerous of all the factols, skall is rarely heard from or seen outside the mortuary, and when he is it's behind so many illusions no one is sure what he really looks like. some claim he projects himself into sigil, and that he has enough magic to wipe out sigil if given a reason to.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

when skall astral projects or travels in person, he cloaks himself in illusion - usually several illusions, topped with disguises generated by spells like alter self or polymorph self to fool those who can see through illusions. Skall usually wears the guise of a human male, leading a body to believe that’s what he used to be. For factol meetings, he likes to appear as a simple black robe with the Dustmen’s symbol floating above. (Only a few high-ups have seen him undisguised.) All his forms speak in a dry, echoing monotone.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

its not a surprise skall can keep his true nature relatively quiet. See, the Dead don’t talk about him much. They just take for granted that he’s advanced along the road to True Death. And if folks do find out, so what? It’s not like Skall wants to hurt anyone. Sure, he’s evil, but only in the eyes of people who equate “goodness” with a respect for life. Though determined to have his own way, Skall’s in no hurry to accomplish his goals, so he seldom behaves in an evil fashion

Personality Characteristics


Most Dushnen know Skall’s walking the road to becoming one of the True Dead, hut that he stays around out of a sense of duty. He feels compelled to enlighten as many berks as possible about the way of death, so they eventually might reach True Death. Meanwhile, he keeps striving to know everything but feel nothing. Those who harm or offend the factol tend to disappear sometimes right away, sometimes a year or more after the fact. Did Skall arrange their advancement to the next stage of death, or was it simply their time? for who can predict what’ll ofend a being without emotion?
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
Everybody belongs to the dustmen, they just don't know it yet.

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