revolutionary league Organization in Planescape | World Anvil
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revolutionary league

You bang around the Cage long enough, you bear a thing or two abou the Revolutionary League. Folks talk about what the Anarchists support what they do. Now you’ve decided you want to be one? Well, here’s i glimpse into the dark The Revolutionary League doesn’t support anything doesn’t make anything happen. It opposes things, keeps things from happening. League members try to destroy every established organization, and one day they’ll do it


unlike most factions, the anarchists are made up of various cells. in truth, its easier to get help from another faction than from your own as a anarchist.

Public Agenda

The Revolutionary League searches for the Dark. I don’t mean just the dark of who’s who or what’s what, but the ultimate truth, the Big Dark ’Course, there’s a problem. To find the Big Dark, a body’s got to be free. But now, no cutter anywhere has freedom, and won’t have it, either, until all the factions are brought low. Sure, a lot of factions say they’re looking for truth and a few of the sods that belong really think they’ve got a chance to find it. But these misguided seekers don’t realize that the high-ups of every faction play the game only for the power. Nothing else   Now, understand something. The Anarchists don’t just rattle their boneboxes - they act. And to act, they have to have some organization. WE could bounce around lie the Xaositects, with no real direction. They know that for real anarchy to have a chance, they must have an actual plan to get rid of order.


Who‘s to say how long the Revolutionary League’s been around? Most likely, as long as there’s been authority to oppose, a group lie the Anarchists has stepped forward to oppose it. Documents in Sigil’s Hall of Records refer to “anarchists” working the Cage as long as 700 years ago, back when Factol Jaretta ruled the Guvners.   ’Course, were they anarchists or Anarchists? That’s a good question that’s got no good answer. A body’d be hard-pressed to find a difference between an independent anarchist and one who’s part of the League. One problem with Anarchists (and most anarchists) is they don’t write down things like this. They don’t leave evidence or witnesses, and they never admit to anything - ’cept maybe that they refuse to accept authority.   The Anarchists get blamed for a lot of supposed sabotage: whenever something goes wrong with another faction’s plan, when some high-up gets assassinated, or if some building gets knocked down. And every once in a while, some Anarchist scrawls a message somewhere to take credit for this or that promotion of freedom. The Harmonium has pinned a few events in Sigil - and elsewhere in the planes - pretty firmly on them. About 300 years ago, an Anarchist lit off a spell that killed the factol of the Mercykillers. The spellcaster managed to blame it on the Fated, starting a war that came to involve almost a dozen factions and put an end to three factions altogether. ’Course, the Anarchists still feel mighty proud of that one.   And then there’s the time, about 50 years ago, when the Anarchists managed to place an operative. a blood named Omar, in the Harmonium. He managed to fake it all the way up to factol - and then he tried to disband the faction and shut down its headquarter in Sigil! Hardhead factors accused the cutter of acting against the rules of the organization. arrested him. and took him to the Guvners for trial. In the much-publicized case, the cutter announced that he’d always belonged to the Revolutionary League! The Mercykillers made short work of him after the trial. The Hardheads issued a few statements saying they’d let Omar think he was in charge, and who would argue with them?   Anyway, Omar remains a hero to the Revolutionary League, a martyr for the came. And the Harmonium has felt unhappy with the Anarchists ever since, even more than before the spy exposed himself. The Hardheads’ve even gone so far as to declare the Anarchists a public nuisance According to the chant of the day, they keep working on a plan to eliminate them - once they find ’em, anyway

we have no past, you have no future

Political, Activist
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories

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