Red lion inn Building / Landmark in Planescape | World Anvil
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Red lion inn

A safe house for the Free league. while it's a decent place for hybrid races, many demi-humans might have a tough time finding a place to rest, only a few rooms catering to those walking on two legs.

Purpose / Function

Meant as a inn catering to centaurs, bariaurs and wemics; the Red lion inns real purpose is a meeting place for the free league. the league has meetings every week at antipeak (midnight for you primes) where only league members are allowed to sit in and discuss plans, goings on and the general state of affairs.


The building’s quite a sight, more than 450 feet long, with jagged pillars rising 200 feet into Sigil’s sky. Its flat roof serves as a landing field for airborne travelers, as well as aerial quarters for hippogriffs, griffons, and other flyers.   Fact is, the Lion caters mostly to hybrid beings - that is, wemics, centaurs, bariaur, satyrs, and the like. The inside of the inn’s on a scale comfortable to such creatures outside the humanoid norm: no chairs, and tables that’re either waist-level (for those who prefer to stand on all fours) or knee-level (for those who want to lie down in the soft rushes covering the floor). Spacious stalls provide sleeping quarters for centaurs or bariaur, while wemin and other carnivores can rent cozy dens with exactly one small opening. Apart from Bria Tomay, humans and demihumans are a rare sight at the inn. Unless accompanied by a hybrid companion, humanoid visitors are given the once over and then almost certainly the brush off.   the current owner , gutted thebuilding. He left the pillars standing as guideposts to airborne guests. He also left in place the main entrance’s portcullis, but added more at all the other entrances to the building. ostensibly as “decor

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