Lhar Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Factol Lhars

Physical Description

Facial Features

piercing black eyes

Identifying Characteristics

wears a nose ring.

Apparel & Accessories

can be seen wearing a horned crown with the symbol of the bleak cabal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lhar was horn in the Hive, the worst part of Sigil, to a blind human father and an orc mother. His parents came to the Cage seeking only acceptance; his mother’s grotesque appearance made them outcasts on their Prime Material world. They found that acceptance, but it didn’t put food on their table. To make matters worse, shortly after Lhar’s twelfth birthday, his mother became pregnant again. The couple couldn’t care for a newborn and a fast-growing adolescent, so they turned Lhar over to the orphanage at the Gatehouse. the establishment where the familv’d recieve food and shelter in the past. left at the entrance, he never saw his family again.

Personality Characteristics


lhars feels it is part of his duty as faction leader to help not only the bleakers but the hive ward become stable. he has set up many soup houses and shelters to try and achieve this goal.
Chaotic neutral.
Current Location
Current Residence
full Black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep green
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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