Duke Rowan Darkwood Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Duke Rowan Darkwood

Factol Rowan Darkwood (a.k.a. Asshole)

leader of the fated, a group of selfish social Darwinists believing life is as one makes it, if you are poor and living on the streets it means you weren't good enough at keeping your wealth.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Most who meet the Duke in the flesh come away more impressed than they might’ve expected. The Duke’s 6-foot-4-inch frame is lean but muscular - he looks as quick as a hellcat and just as tough to hoot. His tanned, craggy face, hands and arms are marked with permanent scars, a lifelong reminder of his run-in with a lieutenant of Baator’s Lords of the Nine. Fact is, one of the facial scars went a bit too deep, leaving him blind in his right eye.

Facial Features

blind in one eye

Mental characteristics

Personal history

About a year ago he decided to make the City of Doors his home; since then, he’s not only joined the ranks of the Fated but vaulted into the position of factol. But Duke Darkwood‘s the very image of a self-made man, from his homespun clothes to his brusque, no-nonsense attitude in the Hall of Speakers. He hasn’t the charm and persuasive abilities of his nemesis, Factol Erin Montgomery of the Sensates, but he’s as stubborn as a golistro with prey in its mouth. When the Duke takes the floor at the Hall of Speakers, a weary groan usually flutters across the room. But he’s no fool; Darkwood knows just how his personality grates on the nerves. He prides himself on being ruthlessly efficient, and he doesn’t have time for the social niceties and political courtships other factols engage in. He gets what he wants, when he wants it, and the way he wants it And what he wants now is to conquer the Cage
Lawful good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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