Bria Tomay Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Bria Tomay

Bria Tomay

not exactly a factol, but bria is the closest the free league has to some sort of leader. her main goal is to get the indeps the respect they deserve, and put an end to the unjust incarceration of her faction mates.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bria, a hard in her mid-thirties, is from a long lie of Sigil silversmiths, many of whom have dabbled in music over the years. Despite her independent nature, she’s never left the City of Doors, preferring instead to spin the exploits of others into music.


helps her father in a silversmith shop.


Social Aptitude

A normally quiet woman, when she speaks or sings before the Indeps a spark of brilliance shines through her ordinary demeanor.
Current Location
Ruled Locations

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