Armory Building / Landmark in Planescape | World Anvil
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Home to the Doomguard, this headquarters is in the seediest part of the ward. In fact, some folks argue it’s really part of the grimy Lower Ward. Like most of the other buildings in The Lady’s Ward, it’s huge and dominating. All the windows are covered with stone grates, and razorvine covers the lower walls. The single entrance over which looms a gigantic sculpture of the faction symbol makes it clear that the Doomguard’s got the weapons and intends to keep them. However, some of the shops in the neighborhood specialize in custom made weaponry that a blood can drop a lot of jink on, if she knows the right words to get her into the back room.   The streets around the Armory are quiet, but that stillness hides a lot of sinister activity. So close to the Lower Ward, this area’s a toehold for thieves and rogues seeking entrance to The Lady’s Ward. It’s also a popular area for the wealthy who wish to mingle with the lower classes, and for mercenaries and assassins to meet their employers.

Purpose / Function

The Armory’s first floor is the only one open to the public. The mighty weapons forge takes up the center or the floor, with the rest devoted to the buying and selling of all types of weapons. In each corner of the floor art guarded doors leading into the four square towers, which hold only a small forge on the first floor and Sinker quarters on all the rest Only the Doomguard - or sneaky bashers - may use the towers to get into the higher floors of the Armory. Those remaining floors house treasuries, guard barracks, meeting rooms, practice halls, display cases that boast every type of armor known, and repositories for weapons not available to the public. The topmost floor features only the factol’s quarters and chambers for visiting Doomlords.


The elegant, ominous structure has an opening at its top that’s protected by metal fretwork. Billowing up from the center of the Armory at all hours of the day or night is a tremendous blast of heat and light from the huge weapons forge below. The Armory has few windows, and the only eminence to the building lies beneath a dominating bas relief of the Doomguard‘s faction symbol, the skull of a wild planar bull. Folks who enter the Armory tend to shudder as they pass beneath the monstrous sculpture   The 24-Story structure is covered with razorvine deliberately left to grow out of control - all the better to discourage any would-be thieves from climbing the walls and entering through the open roof. But the four square towers anchoring the corners of the building remain strangely free of the sharp vine, even though no Sinker or dabus Seems to cut it hack.
Room, Military, Armoury
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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