Ambar Vergrove Character in Planescape | World Anvil
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Ambar Vergrove

Factol Ambar Vergrove

Ambar was a Half-elf from a very secluded, conservative part of the Outlands called Fayrill. The elven side of his family, the Quybier, exiled his mother for her disruptive behavior. Amber grew up alone with his mother until he met Caye, a Quybier elf maiden. He secretly wooed her, despite the Quybiers' disapproval. When elven troops arrived to bring her home, both Caye and Ambar's mother were killed.   Accused of kidnapping Caye, Ambar replied, "I accuse you! I accuse you, murderer of my mother, slayer of my consort and unborn child! I accuse you of killing my happiness, of defiling my home, and robbing me of my future. Dare you deny me? Dare you demand recompense in the face of that which you owe me?"   The elves had never meant for Caye to die, and were shamed by Ambar so greatly that they gave Ambar a casket filled with gems and begged him to depart forever. Ambar, with nothing left to lose, took the gems and complied. Over the next several years, Ambar prospered. His wood-lore was great, and he invested his fortune in gems wisely.   He searched the Great Ring for a new home, and eventually he found one with the Believers of the Source, whose approach to life seemed to compliment his own. His mellow, calm, and above all friendly demeanor (he still has everyone call him by his first name) earned him plenty of friends within the Faction, and he seemed to gravitate toward leadership positions within the Believers until he became Factol. He's extremely popular within his faction (although outside of it, many others find him a bit of a bore) and half of the faction would lay down their lives for him, though Ambar never asks this of anyone. He values lives more than he does philosophies - a rare trait among the factols.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ambar, never knew he was poor. He slept on the softest moss by night, drank clear spring water by day and thrived amid the beauty of the forest. To his eyes, his home seemed a mansion. He learned his mother's songs and played with fox cubs denned nearby. The youth discovered his poverty only after he spotted Caye, a maiden of the elves, straying through his wood. Her brown, silken hair brushed her ankles; her mahogany eyes carried a hint of purple in the depths of their unfathomed mystery; her lithe form was slim as a birch but her manner seemed so solemn, like nothing Ambar had ever imagined. The half-elf went to ask the maid's sire, Florien. for her hand, but found himself brusquely refused. Ambar felt astonished. Caye would live in a wooded palace, dine on the finest of viands, enjoy the gladdest of music, and have the most devoted of bridegrooms - what more could a father want?   Ambar's mother enlightened him: Social status, political or military power, a castle built by hands rather than by nature, and monetary rather than inner wealth were necessary attributes for wedlock among the elves. The youth believed in the words of his mother Galina, but he also believed in himself. He wooed Caye without her father's consent and won her. For a time, all thee exiles dwelled contentedly in their woodland glade: bride and bridegroom in a pavilion of willow wands and grape vines, Galina in her pagoda of pine boughs opposite. The trio sang mad melodies, indulged in woodland feasts, told stories, and danced wild jigs. The news that Caye was with child delighted them. The warriors Florien sent ended all that. They slew Galina and Caye in the scuffle and brought Ambar in chains before the elf lord. To the patriarch's accusation of abduction, the half-elf replied eloquently. "I accuse you! I accuse you. murderer of my mother, slayer of my consort and unborn child! I accuse you of killing my happiness, of defiling my home, and robbing me of my future. Dare you demand recompense in the face of that which you owe me?"   In fact, the Quybier dared not To assuage their guilt over the deaths, they presented Ambar with a velvet casket fdledwith gems and begged him to depart Fayrill forever. He accepted the stones and left. with a fortune in gems and the abilties of the wood wise, a half-elf can go far. Ambar guided travelers through the Outlands, invested his wealth in profitable ventures, and searched the great ring for a spot he may call home He never found it, hut he collected a vast selection of art and rare musical instruments.   Eventually he fell in with the Believers of the Source and discovered that, although no place could feel like home again, a group of people could. His courtesy and kindness - he still likes everyone to call him by his first name - earned him many friends among the godsmen and in time he became factol. He is beloved of all his namers, factotums, and factors - half of whom believe him well on the way to becoming a power. Most of them would lay down their lives at his beckoning. To his credit, Amhar rarely requires such sacrifice His goal as factol? He wants both the faction and its members to flourish. Unlike many of his followers, Ambar values individuals more than the philosophies they espouse.

Mental Trauma

his mother and love being killed has caused him much trauma, yet he maintains kindness and a desire for all to asend to the best form they can be.

Morality & Philosophy

He values lives more than he does philosophies - a rare trait among the factols.
neutral good
Current Location
Fayrill, a elf village in outlands
dark black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"divinity beckons, hear the call of the forge! let t shape you as godhood draws near"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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