Al karak Elam-Jhankhal Settlement in Planescape | World Anvil
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Al karak Elam-Jhankhal

High above the Mist-laden lands of brux re-sides the nest town of the  Al karak Elam. also known to the clueless as avariel or winged elves. These elves have woven  the canopy of branches into homes as they've also woven thier spirits into the life of the Forrest beneath them and the plane around them.   The seemingly underpopulated town is home to the avariel, numerous types of predatory birds, and in the high limbs that support thier weight, giant eagles.


Joanus the suresighted serves as the community foremost archer (a highly valued skill), cleric of the power Remnis, and informal ruler. Interested in only protecting his small community, Joanus indignation towards visitors is not hard to notice.    Despite most of the town following Remnis, the god of giant eagles,  a group dedicated to the following of Aerdrie Faenya is growing in strength wjile most avariel whorship the godess of the air the ones that dwell here are less chaotically inclined and are more in tune with nature as a whole.


The hunters and warriors of the town act to defend their homes from any incursion, as do the many birds of prey  that also nest within the town. During an attack, the others gather in the common areas and protect the children and elderly.


With the avariel being highly reclusive beings, they tendto mistrust any visitors, especially those that use fire. However, if one is kind and doesnt go around waving a torch they can be offered guides as well as giant eagles to serve as mounts for those in tune with nature.


Covering over a square mile horizontally and almost half a mile vertically (and almost a mile above the ground at its lowest point.)  The town was woven with branches over many decades, giving the whole town a strange look to it, like a massive birds next with paths crisscrossing all over, it's far easier to maneuver if you can fly but an attempt has been made to help those with a lack of wings get around. AS certain inhabitants need room for thier wings, the town seems much more expanse to flightless berks.

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