The Converts Organization in Planescape Guide | World Anvil
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The Converts

OH! I'd never looked at things that way. I see your point, can I be part of your faction now?
- Permillion of the Converts
Seemingly originating out of Limbo, the Converts are dedicated to finding truth by taking up the mantle of others‘ beliefs. They believe that any belief held too long becomes rhetoric, and that nobody knows how anything works. Therefore, the best way to find the truth of the multiverse is to sample every take on it, and never hold to one belief for two long. Their habit, however, of infiltrating other groups has earned them the nickname of Chameleons or the more derogatory term ―Turncoats.   Their numbers have been increased by those disillusioned by recent events, but they‘re still considered a sect by most, as they‘re nowhere near widespread and lack any sort of cohesive force or organization. They‘re still strongest around Limbo and Xaos, but there‘s a rumor going around that the Converts are just a sub-group of the Xaositects. Of course, there‘s another crazier rumor that claims vice versa, or that (insert faction here) only still exists because the Converts have bolstered their numbers…  

Sect Philosophy

It's a common saying among chameleons that the more a body learns, the more questions he has. Learning is, more than anything else a process of finding out how little a body really knows. Just as soon as a body thinks he's learned the dark of things, along comes a new bit of information tp prove him wrong. Eventually a soul has to admit that the multiverse is too big for a mortal to ever really understand. Even the powers seem in the dark as often as not, so only a berk ever swears that anything's 100% sure.   But that doesn't stop people from trying to understand. See, believing exactly nothing leaves a berk with exactly nothing to do. A body can't chart a course of action if he thinks every direction is equally sensless. So people go about their lives, piercing together things they learn, till they've got some sort of workable structure of beliefs to guide their actions.   Problem is, all too many berks try to make those structures permanent. they start ignoring bits of knowledge that contradicts their views, and start harping on the pointsthey're most sure of. Pretty soon, they're preaching their credos to everyonewho comes along, as if convincing enough other soulds makes their theories the truth. But deep down inside, where they won't even admit it to themselves, they're full of fear that they might be wrong. Meanwhile the multiverse just goes on about its business, not giving a fig for what they do or don't believe.   On the other hand, there's something really liberating in a soul admitting he don't know for sure how things work. Cutters like this still have to come up with some theory to live by, but they know it's artificial, so they keep in mind that it's only temporary. They more they learn, the more they revise their theory, and when ultimately they see something that works better, they chuck the old theory out with few regrets. they know that while they'll likely never find ultimate Truth, that doesn't stop them from working on improvement.

Sect Membership

Primary Plane of Influence

The Converts are strongest in Limbo, where nothing is for certain, and it seems that the sect took its start here. But the group also suits the Outlands, where balance in all things is emphasized. The Converts have no factol, being instead a free league of like minds.

Allies and Enemies

The Converts are considered too much of a null cipher to have enemies or allies, except those of whatever faction they currently adhere to.


Membership in the Converts is open to any race or class. But creatures of lawful alignment never join, because they cannot accept the sect's teaching that there is no way of knowing ultimate truth.


A Chameleon can belong to one other faction, as long as he meets its prerequisites. he gains the full benefits of that faction. Later, he can change to a different faction, losing the benefits of the first and gaining those of the second instead. He can do this any number of times.


While holding to another faction, a Chameleon is subject to its restrictions. In addition, once he has left a faction, he can never return to it. He's come to see the limitations in its world view.
Alternative Names
Chameleons, Turncoats
An image depicting a member of the sect

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